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研究生(外文):Che-kai Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A LTE Downlink Resource Block Scheduling Mechanism with Dynamic DRX Parameters
指導教授(外文):Wei-Kuang Lai
外文關鍵詞:DRX (Discontinuous Reception)Dynamic DRX Parameters settingLTEScheduingPower Saving
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近年來,隨著無線通訊的進步,資料的傳輸效率,從3G、4G到即將推出的5G,逐漸提升;但相對的,消耗的電量也增加許多。然而,一般手持裝置在使用無線網路時,會被電池的電量所限制。因此,3GPP ( Third Generation Partnership Project ) 在LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) 中提出DRX ( Discontinuous Reception )省電機制來增加電池的壽命。
DRX省電機制讓使用者的手持裝置根據從基地台取得的DRX參數週期性地進入睡眠,不用持續監看PDCCH ( Physical Downlink Control Channel ) 來確定是否有封包送達。
隨著封包延遲的程度和CQI ( Channel Quality Indicator ) 的狀況…等因素來動態調整DRX參數是種適合變化快速的無線通訊並提高服務品質的方法,然而現下的排程機制,PF ( Proportional Fair )、M-LWDF ( Modified Largest Weighted Delay First )、DAS ( DRX Aware Scheduling ) …等方法,在結合動態DRX參數時,在提高服務品質和提高省電效率這兩種相互衝突的元素影響下,可能會令排程機制和動態DRX參數在設定上相互衝突,無法取得最佳的效益,
With the improving of wireless communication technology, data rate is enhanced with the introduction of 3G, 4G and 5G. Relatively, the power consumption is also increasing, but the power of battery-limited mobile devices can not cope with this big consumption. Therefore, 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) proposed DRX (Discontinuous Reception) power saving mechanism in LTE (Long Term Evolution).
According to the parameters from the eNB, DRX lets mobile devices periodically enter the sleep period. Mobile devices with DRX can go sleep without keeping monitoring PDCCH ( Physical Downlink Control Channel ).
Referring to lots of factors, including CQI and packet delays, dynamic DRX parameters setting can fit with the variable wireless environment. However, there is no scheduling mechanism for DRX parameters settings. Existed scheduling mechanisms, PF ( Proportional Fair ), M-LWDF ( Modified Largest Weighted Delay First ), and DAS ( DRX Aware Scheduling ) have some problems in combining with DRX parameters settings. The conflict of the power saving and QoS ( Quality of Service ) affect the efficiency of DRX.
Finally, this paper proposes a new mechanism to coordinate the DRX parameters settings and the scheduling scheme to get better performance in QoS with good power efficiency.
第一章 導論1
1.1 前言1
1.2 研究動機3
1.3 論文架構5
第二章 相關背景6
2.1 DRX省電機制6
2.1.1 DRX系統架構7
2.1.2 DRX能源消耗9
2.2 資源區塊排程機制11
2.2.1 PF ( Proportional Fair )11
2.2.2 M-LWDF ( Modified Largest Weighted Delay First )12
2.2.3 DAS ( DRX-aware scheduling )13
2.3 相關論文14
2.3.1 資源區塊排程14
2.3.2 DRX參數設定17
第三章 動態DRX省電機制與資源區塊排程19
3.1 變數名稱及其代表意義19
3.2 動態DRX參數設定20
3.1.1 DBT ( Delay Based Timer ) [1]21
3.1.2 CDBT ( CQI-and-Delay Based Timer) [1]22
3.1.3 M-CDBT ( Modified CQI-and-Delay Based Timer )26
3.3 資源區塊排程機制30
3.4 排程機制疊合動態DRX參數35
3.5 疊合機制分析36
第四章 模擬與分析 40
4.1 模擬環境與參數設定 40
4.2 模擬結果與效能分析 41
第五章 結論 50
參考文獻 51
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