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研究生(外文):Chih-Yuan Liang
論文名稱(外文):Low-Power Viterbi Decoder with Fine-Grained Detection Techniques
指導教授(外文):Shiann-Rong Kuang
外文關鍵詞:error correctionViterbi decoderSTC codeerror detectionlow power
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維特比解碼器(Viterbi decoder)是使用在無線通訊設備中一個著名的錯誤更正通道解碼器,然而維特比解碼器通常也佔用移動設備很大比例的功率消耗。為了避免過多的碼字(codeword)需要進行解碼並且降低功率消耗,本論文提出了兩個適用於降低維特比解碼器功率消耗的技術和相對應的VLSI架構。首先,相對於分段式錯誤偵測的方式,我們提出碼字式的state transparent convolutional (STC) code解碼器用於偵測每個碼字是否有錯誤,此細緻的錯誤偵測方式將會降低需要被送至維特比解碼器的碼字數量。根據碼字式的錯誤偵測方式,我們開發了一個簡單的方法定位並且修正獨立且不連續錯誤的單一碼字,實驗結果顯示此方法可以進一步減少維特比解碼器的啟動時間。此外,我們提出了具有存活狀態偵測技術的維特比解碼器,此方法可以偵測出非屬於存活路徑的狀態,並且刪除其在維特比解碼器存活記憶體單元中不必要的操作,因此可以降低存活記憶體單元中決策位元的交換數量並且達成低功耗的效果。實驗結果證明我們提出來的這兩個技術可以更進一步地降低維特比解碼器的功率消耗。
Viterbi decoders are one of the most popular error-correcting channel decoders in wireless communication devices. However, a Viterbi decoder is also usually the dominant module in the mobile devices regarding power consumption. To avoid the superfluous codeword decoding and reduce the power consumption, this dissertation proposes two low-power techniques and their corresponding VLSI architectures for the Viterbi decoder. Firstly, instead of the segment-based error detection, we propose the codeword-based STC decoder to detect whether each received codeword is erroneous. The fine-grained error detection conduces to fewer codewords that have to be corrected through the Viterbi decoder. Based on the codeword-based error detection, we develop a simple method to locate and correct the isolated faulty codewords that do not appear successively. As can be seen in the experimental results, the activation times of the Viterbi decoder can be further decreased. Secondly, we propose a survivor state (SS) detection technique to detect the non-survivor states and eliminate the unnecessary operations in the survivor memory unit (SMU) of a Viterbi decoder. The SS detection technique results in fewer decision bits that have to be exchanged in the SMU and achieves the low-power goal. Experimental results demonstrate that the power consumption of the Viterbi decoder can be further reduced based on the proposed two low-power techniques.
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Organization of dissertation 7
Chapter 2 Related works 8
2.1 Convolutional code 8
2.1.1 Definition of convolutional codes 9
2.1.2 Structure and property of convolutional codes 10
2.1.3 Free distance of convolutional codes 15
2.1.4 Termination methods of convolutional codes 19
2.1.5 Punctured convolutional codes 26
2.1.6 Hard decision and soft decision 29
2.2 Viterbi algorithms and architectures 31
2.2.1 Branch Metric Unit 36
2.2.2 Add-Compare-Select Unit 37
2.2.3 Path Metric Memory Unit 40
2.2.4 Survivor Memory Unit 43
2.3 M-algorithm and T-algorithm 52
2.4 Scarce State Transition 53
2.5 Modified RE method and memoryless Viterbi decoder 55
2.6 State transparent convolutional code 55
2.7 Segment-based STC Viterbi decoder 56
Chapter 3 Proposed Low-power techniques for the Viterbi decoder 57
3.1 Proposed codeword-based STC Decoder 60
3.1.1 Basic concept of State Transparent Convolutional code 60
3.1.2 Basic concept of segment-based STC Viterbi decoder 63
3.1.3 Proposed codeword-based error detection 65
3.1.4 Proposed codeword-based error correction 70
3.1.5 Flowchart of codeword-based decoding 73
3.1.6 Proposed architecture of codeword-based STC decoder 76
3.2 Proposed survivor-state Viterbi decoder 80
3.2.1 Definition of survivor state 82
3.2.2 Proposed survivor state detection technique 84
3.2.3 Flowchart of survivor-state Viterbi decoder 95
3.2.4 Proposed architecture of survivor-state Viterbi decoder 99
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 102
4.1 Simulation environment 102
4.2 Experimental results of proposed codeword-based STC decoder 105
4.3 Experimental results of proposed survivor-state Viterbi decoder 110
4.4 Comparisons of different low-power techniques 116
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Further Work 122
5.1 Conclusions 122
5.2 Future work 124
References 126
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