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研究生(外文):Guan-Hua Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Low-cost and Scalable High-radix Word-based Montgomery Modular Multiplier
指導教授(外文):Shiann-Rong Kuang
外文關鍵詞:Booth MultiplierMontgomery Modular MultiplierHigh-radix Word-based Montgomery Modular MultiplierRSA CryptosystemsPublic-key Cryptosystems
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在眾多的密碼系統中,RSA公開金鑰密碼系統(public-key cryptosystems)是目前使用最廣泛的密碼系統之一,但其密碼系統的金鑰長度通常為1024位元或2048位元以上,才能夠達到相當程度的安全性。若在如此龐大的位元數下,以軟體方式進行RSA加解密運算則無法達到即時處理的要求。為了有效降低運算時間,本論文採用硬體的方式實現RSA加解密。在RSA密碼系統中有大量的模數指數運算與模數乘法運算,而其中模數乘法運算占整體大部分運算時間,而為了使其更易於在硬體上實現,本論文採用了蒙哥馬利演算法,將原本在硬體上難以實現的除法,可以利用一連串加法和右移來取代並實現。
Nowadays, communication technology has developed rapidly and become more and more common. “Internet” has become an essential part in our daily life, and we cannot live without it for online trading, message transmission, data access and so on. Therefore, people have paid more attention to information security than before. In order to ensure the safety of data transmission sufficiently, there must be a complete system to protect data from being stolen, and it shows the importance of cryptosystem.
Among numerous cryptosystems, RSA public-key cryptosystems is one of the most widespread cryptosystems currently. However, its key length is usually more than 1024 or 2048 bits to be able to reach a certain degree of safeness. If we execute RSA encryption and decryption with software, we cannot meet the request of real-time processing. Therefore, to decrease computing time efficiently, we execute RSA encryption and decryption with hardware in this thesis. There are plenty of modular exponentiation and modular multiplication in RSA cryptosystems, and modular multiplication occupies most of the computing time. In order to make it more possible to be accomplished on hardware, we adopt Montgomery Algorithm to make division, which is originally difficult to be accomplished on hardware, be replaced by a series of addition and shift right to work.
However, under the computation with such a large number of bits, there might be the problem of many fan-outs of signal lines. Thus, we adopt word-based design to lower the number of fan-outs. It can not only save the areas but also make a scalable design easily. What''s more, it increases the performance by combining with high-radix and Booth multiplier. In addition to the methods mentioned above, this thesis also adopts the architecture of a single processing element, which contains all computation of Montgomery modular multiplier, and makes it into pipeline. Therefore, we can decrease hardware area significantly to accomplish the design of a low-cost and scalable high-radix word-based Montgomery modular multiplier.
論文提要 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文大綱 3
第二章 研究背景 4
2.1 RSA密碼系統 4
2.2 模數指數演算法 6
2.2.1 H模數指數演算法 7
2.2.2 L模數指數演算法 8
2.3 蒙哥馬利演算法 9
2.4 進位節省蒙哥馬利演算法 12
2.4.1 5-to-2 CSA蒙哥馬利演算法及架構 12
2.4.2 4-to-2 CSA蒙哥馬利演算法及架構 15
第三章 高基數字組式蒙哥馬利乘法器 17
3.1 字組式蒙哥馬利演算法及架構 17
3.1.1 字組式蒙哥馬利演算法 17
3.1.2 字組式蒙哥馬利架構 20
3.1.3 字組式蒙哥馬利演算法的資料相依性 21
3.2 高基數蒙哥馬利演算法 23
3.2.1 傳統高基數蒙哥馬利演算法 23
3.2.2 傳統高基數蒙哥馬利之乘法省略演算法 25
3.2.3 傳統高基數蒙哥馬利之加法省略演算法 26
3.2.4 傳統高基數蒙哥馬利之商數管線化演算法 28
3.3 蒙哥馬利演算法之省略比較與減法 29
3.4 Radix-4 布斯乘法器 30
第四章 提出的演算法及硬體架構設計 33
4.1 可調式設計與效能分析 33
4.2 提出的低成本可調式高基數字組式蒙哥馬利模數乘法演算法 35
4.3 提出的低成本可調式高基數字組式蒙哥馬利模數乘法器架構 39
4.4 管線化排程 46
4.5 採用H模數指數演算法及PE功能結合 50
第五章 實驗結果 51
5.1 實驗步驟與方法 51
5.2 實驗數據 53
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 57
6.1 結論 57
6.2 未來研究方向 57
參考文獻 58
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