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研究生(外文):Ling-yu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Integration design environment for configurable on-chip bus monitor
指導教授(外文):Ing-Jer Huang
外文關鍵詞:AutomaticallyReconfigurableProtocol MonitorPerformance Monitor
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因為現今的製程技術越來越進步,單一晶片中所能容納的Intellectual Property (IP)數量越來越多,在IP大量增加的情況下,晶片上匯流排中IP之間的傳輸會變得更為複雜,造成晶片的驗證與除錯之困難度提高。而就算於RTL階段模擬並驗證完硬體,還是會有部分錯誤在晶片產出之後產生,因此硬體產出後的除錯及監控也是系統晶片設計上重要的一環。以往的硬體監控器所能監控的條件是有限的,若測試者想監控其他的條件行為,必須更換硬體監控器抑或是加入更多硬體,這會大大提升硬體設計的成本。我們所提出的可重複定義之硬體監控器(Reconfigurable Bus Monitor)便是要解決此問題,達到可重複定義監控條件的功能來降低硬體設計成本。然而過多的彈性化設計會造成RBM的面積過大,因此我們結合了內部的檢查器並提出一個斷言分派演算法來幫助使用者產出在面積上優化的RBM。這篇論文所提出的方法在RBM的硬體成本及彈性之間找到一個較好的平衡。
Nowadays, because the advance of the technology, a single chip can contain more and more Intellectual Property(IP). As the design increase with the IPs from different designer, intercommunication in System-on-Chip(SoC) becomes more complicated and rarely error-free. This cause the verification and integration more difficult. Although RTL simulation is error-free, there may also have some bug on FPGA or post-silicon. It is important to focus on the monitor and debug method while designing the chip. The monitor is hard-wired in the chip that cannot be changed. We must replace the monitor or add more hardware if the designer wants to monitor other rules or condition. It may cause the hardware cost increase or need unrealistic change. Therefore, we have proposed a Reconfigurable Bus Monitor (RBM) to solve this problem. With the reconfigurable ability to decrease the cost of hardware design. However, the flexibility will also cause a huge area cost. Therefore, we combine the rule checking result inside the RBM and proposed an assertion analysis algorithm to help debugger to generate RBM which has more optimize area cost. The proposed method get the balance between hardware area cost and debugging time.
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 5
Chapter 2. Related Works 6
2.1 Multiplexed Signal Tracing 7
2.2 Rule-based protocol checker 8
2.3 Synthesizable assertion checker 9
2.4 Performance Monitor 11
2.5 Security Monitor 12
2.6 Distributed monitor 14
2.7 Mapping Trigger Conditions 16
2.8 Problem Discussions 18
Chapter 3. Reconfigurable Bus Monitor 19
3.1 Signal Selection Module 21
3.2 Event Generation Module 23
3.3 Event Combination Module 25
3.4 Event Sequencing Module 27
3.5 Status controller 29
3.6 RBM expression 30
Chapter 4. Extensive Methodology 31
4.1 Problem on RBM 31
4.2 Combination of rule result 34
4.3 Example of using Extended method 37
4.3.1 Multiple debug sessions 37
4.4 Rule analyzing algorithm 38
4.5 Extend RBM IDE with rule patching method 48
4.5.1 How to generate signal checking result 50
4.5.2 Patching rule into RBM 51
4.5.3 Rule patching algorithm 55
4.5.4 RBM generator interface 58
4.5.5 Generating RBM for different BUS architecture 61
Chapter 5. Experimental Result 62
5.1 Result of rule analyzing algorithm 64
5.1.1 If PM is bigger than checher 65
5.1.2 Multiple debug session 65
Chapter 6. Conclusion 66
Chapter 7. Future Work 67
7.1 Wiring complexity 67
7.2 Access by other program 67
7.3 Cooperate with SBICE 68
References 69
Appendix A : Security Monitor 70
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