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研究生(外文):Jen-Hao Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Partial Periodic Utility Mining
指導教授(外文):Tzung-Pei Hong
外文關鍵詞:data mininghigh utilitypartial periodic patternprojectionutility upper bound
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The existing studies related to partial periodic pattern mining only consider the frequency of patterns in periodic segment data to determine their significance, and the same utility is assumed for all events. Thus, some events with high utility but low frequency may not be found by using traditional partial periodic pattern mining techniques. In this thesis, we extend the original problem to high-utility partial periodic pattern mining (HUPPP), which considers not only the occurring time order and periodic length of events but also their quantities and individual profits. We have designed a periodic utility function, and based on it we have proposed three mining algorithms for finding high-utility partial periodic patterns. The first one is the basic algorithm that uses the two-phased periodic utility upper-bound (PUUB) model to avoid information loss in the mining process. It can be used as the ground-truth for experimental comparison. The second one further improves the efficiency by using the gradually pruning algorithm to shrink the utility upper-bounds. The third one adopts the projection technique to avoid unnecessary checking and reduce execution time. Finally, experiments are made to compare the performance of the three proposed algorithms under various parameter settings. Experimental results show the projection approach has the best performance among them.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Contribution 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2 Related Works 6
2.1 Sequential pattern mining 6
2.2 Utility pattern mining 10
2.3 Periodic pattern mining 11
Chapter 3 The Proposed Algorithm 14
3.1 Definition 14
3.2 The High Utility Periodic Pattern Mining Algorithm (HUPPP) 23
3.2.1 HUPPP 24
3.2.2 An Example of HUPPP 28
3.3 The High Utility Periodic Pattern Mining with Gradually Pruning Algorithm (GPA) 36
3.3.1 GPA 37
3.3.2 An Example of the GPA 42
3.4 The High Utility Periodic Pattern Mining with Projected Database Algorithm 51
3.4.1 Projected Database Algorithm 52
3.4.2 An Example of the Projected Database Algorithm 58
Chapter 4 Experiments 68
4.1 Experimental Environment 68
4.2 Experimental Evaluation 69
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 75
5.1 Conclusion 75
5.2 Future Work 76
References 77
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