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研究生(外文):Yu-Feng Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Evaluation and Prediction of the Going-Concern Status for Companies: A Model Based on Structured and Un-Structured Data
指導教授(外文):Bing-Chiang JengWei-Po Lee
外文關鍵詞:Going-concern predictionEnsemble frameworkText miningRandom forestFinancial news articles
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Ascertainment of the going-concern status of a company is a critical issue for investors and stockholders. In the Accounting and Auditing domain, the going-concern is a well-known concept used to measure whether a company has the resources to operate indefinitely or not. However, it is difficult to evaluate a company’s financial condition in today’s complicated business environment. To make this easier, some researchers have proposed new methods to assist in the auditing process. The majority of these studies have proposed single models, applying numerical data gathered from financial statements to verify their methodology. However, shortcomings remain such as a lack of flexibility, generalizability and time efficiency. In order to address these issues, in this study, we introduce a framework called the ensemble method and adopt financial news as source of data source. One of the characteristics of the ensemble framework is that a weaker algorithm can be easily replaced by another if it is better. In addition, financial news is an important source of information, especially given the issue of the lack of annual reports for a new to market company. Text mining techniques are applied to capture messages hidden in financial news, and convert the textual data to a numerical format for implementation in the experiments. In study one, the random forest method is applied to implement the concepts of the ensemble method. The experimental results show that the random forest method outperforms the baseline methods in terms of accuracy rate, ROC area, kappa value, type II error, precision and recall rate. In addition, the experimental results obtained in study two reflect that text mining techniques perform well for going-concern prediction. Financial news is a useful data source for analyzing the going-concern status of a company before the issue of an annual report or for a new to market company, where such reports do not yet exist.
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 1
1.3 Research objectives 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Going-concern prediction literature 8
2.2 Literature comparison 11
Chapter 3 Ensemble Framework based on Structured Data 15
3.1 Datasets 15
3.2 Variables 16
3.3 Ensemble method 19
3.4 Random forest 20
3.4.1 Decision Tree 22
3.5 Prediction methods 24
3.5.1 Random forest 24
3.5.2 Baseline methods 24
3.5.3 Evaluation method 26 Prediction accuracy and Type II error rate 27 Kappa statistic value 28 Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve 29 Precision and recall rates 31 F-measure 31
3.6 Imbalanced data 32
Chapter 4 Ensemble Framework based on Un-structured Data 34
4.1 Financial news articles 35
4.2 Text mining 37
4.3 Textual representation 44
4.3.1 Bag-of-words Method 44
4.3.2 Term weighting 45
4.3.3 Latent Topic Analysis 48
4.4 Clustering algorithms 51
4.4.1 K-nearest neighbor 51
4.4.2 K-means 53
4.4.3 Self-organizing map 54
4.5 Configuration of the un-structured data framework 56
4.5.1 Data source 56
4.5.2 Model Construction and Evaluation Methods 57
Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation of the Structured Model 63
5.1 Experimental results for pre-subprime mortgage crisis 63
5.1.1 Experimental results for the original dataset 64
5.1.2 Performance comparison using datasets with different proportion 68
5.2 Experimental results for the post-subprime mortgage crisis 75
5.2.1 Experimental results for the original dataset 75
5.2.2 Performance comparison using datasets with different proportions 81
5.3 Experimental results for the full dataset 87
5.3.1 Experiment results with the original dataset 88
5.3.2 Performance comparison on datasets with different proportions 91
5.4 Discussion of Type II error risk and summary 97
5.5 Verification of generalizability on a Taiwan dataset 100
5.6 Performance evaluation from the viewpoint of a time series 101
5.6.1 Performance comparison based on a one pair one combination 103
5.6.2 Performance comparison based on the two pair one combination 108
Chapter 6 Performance Evaluation of the Un-structured Model 115
6.1 Experimental results for scenario one 116
6.1.1 Prediction performance of the TFIDF method 116
6.1.2 Prediction performance of LDA method 125
6.1.3 Performance comparison of the two methods 132
6.1.4 Prediction performance of the TFIDF method after feature extraction 138
6.2 Experimental results of scenario two 145
6.2.1 Prediction performance of the LDA method 145
Chapter 7 Conclusions 161
References 167
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