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研究生(外文):Yu-han Chang
論文名稱(外文):Improving Detection Efficiency using Cloud Computing
指導教授(外文):Chia-Mai Chen
外文關鍵詞:Distributed File SystemCloud ComputingIntrusion Detection System
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本研究所提出雲端環境中的異常偵測系統架構,不僅可以透過Hadoop多節點叢集,對巨量資料記錄檔進行分散式儲存,更使用雲端運算中Spark的優點,改善傳統入侵偵測系統無法進行長時間區間Event Correlation的缺點,藉此建立雲端運算中的入侵偵測系統架構。同時,本研究收集真實企業之巨量資料,來做為實驗之資料集,在傳統架構與雲端環境中處理,作為偵測效能以及系統效率差異比較,證實巨量資料處理在雲端叢集式系統中有較好的偵測效能與表現。
Recently, with the popularity and convenience features of Internet, Internet has become one of the attacker profitable way to enter the local area network. Most organizations, companies and government agencies will purchase the firewall, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems or other information security system to prevent and defense their network.
With the increasing of the security infrastructure and system, these problems can have a significant impact on organizations. For example, All kinds of Raw Log Messages in different formats and big data storage are important issues. The traditional data analysis architecture by means of a powerful server has serious performance issues when processing big data.
This study proposes a cloud computing architecture by deploy the settings of storage space, number of namenode and datanode, CPU, memory and network bandwidth to make cloud computing system more efficacy. This study proposes an open source cloud computing platform solution for storing and analyzing big data. Clustered and distributed storage provided by the open source cloud platform, Hadoop, improves the time and storage issue faced in traditional centralized architecture. To improve the bottleneck of the read/write access time during big data processing, in-memory processing technology, Spark, is adopted to reduce the number of disk accesses. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed cloud platform provides a great performance improvement.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖次 iv
表次 vi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 研究目的 9
第2章 文獻探討 10
2.1 雲端運算 10
2.2 Hadoop 12
2.3 分散式檔案系統 14
2.4 平行運算 15
2.5 Spark 19
2.6 入侵偵測方法 21
2.7 雲端運算增進之效能 23
第3章 系統設計 25
3.1 系統架構 25
3.2 系統參數 27
3.3 系統元件描述 31
3.4 雲端叢集環境 34
第4章 系統評估 36
4.1 資料集 36
4.2 實驗參數 37
4.3 系統評估 37
4.4 系統效能 42
4.5 系統比較 43
第5章 結論與未來展望 45
參考文獻 47
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