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研究生(外文):Chia-chun Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Problems and Influences of Team Boundary Spanning in the Different Phases of Information System Development Projects
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Hsu
外文關鍵詞:boundary spanningsocial boundaryoperational boundaryknowledge boundaryinformation system development projectproject development phase
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Given the high complexity of current information system development projects, it has been essential for development teams to assume a cross-disciplinary profile. However, the multitude of stakeholders involved in the development have divergent perceptions (knowledge boundaries) and modes of operation (operational boundaries), which can pose substantial challenges, or prevent the team from accessing or safeguarding the required resources (social boundaries). These are obstacles that can cause the project to fall behind schedule, overrun its budget, or even fail to achieve its goals. Therefore, mitigating the aforementioned boundaries is imperative to enhance project efficiency.
This study explored (1) the boundaries a project team would likely encounter in each phase of the development, and (2) which methods a team should adopt to traverse these boundaries to advance the project. A qualitative case study method was adopted to investigate project teams from three corporations, each developing a particular type of information system. More specifically, three team members in different positions were selected from each team for an in-depth interview. First, the boundary problems encountered during the three primary phases in a system development project were identified. Subsequently, the system process, roles, and objects adopted to cross over the various boundaries were determined. The findings were aggregated for a meta-analysis to outline the boundaries encountered in each phase of an information system development project, as well as the issues pertaining to overcoming such boundaries.
The present study is expected to serve as a foundation for further investigations, and as practical reference for the development of information systems.
誌謝……. ii
摘要……. iii
Abstract… iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 專案管理(Project Management) 4
2.1.1 專案及專案管理的定義 4
2.1.2 資訊系統開發定義 7
2.1.3 資訊系統開發專案的不同階段 8
2.2 疆界與疆界跨越 10
2.2.1 疆界(boundary) 10
2.2.2 疆界跨越(Boundary Spanning) 13
第三章 研究方法與設計 16
3.1 研究架構 16
3.2 研究方法 17
3.2.1 個案研究法 17
3.2.2 訪談法 17
3.2.3 樣板分析法 18
3.3 個案說明 19
3.4 訪談問題 24
3.5 訪談流程 25
3.6 訪談對象 27
第四章 個案分析結果討論與命題構建 28
4.1 個案一分析:○○銀行『自動櫃員機匝道器管理系統』 28
4.2 個案二分析:○○醫院『雲端藥歷系統』 38
4.3 個案三分析:○○公司『線上支付案』 60
4.4 綜合比較討論與命題構建 84
第五章 研究結論與建議 89
5.1 研究結論 89
5.2 研究貢獻 90
5.3 研究限制與後續研究建議 91
參考文獻. 93
附錄……. 99
附錄1 個案一訪談內容逐字稿 99
附錄2 個案二訪談內容逐字稿 125
附錄3 個案三訪談內容逐字稿 173

圖1-1 研究流程與步驟 3
圖2-1 三階段資訊系統開發過程 9
圖2-2 七階段資訊系統開發過程 9
圖2-3 軟體專案管理的三個構面 10
圖3-1 研究架構 16
圖3-2 個案企業訪談流程 26

表2-1 專案管理的定義 6
表2-2 疆界的定義 11
表3-1 本研究個案比較表 24
表3-2 訪談人員名冊及訪談時間 27
表4-1 個案一系統分析與設計階段所見疆界及問題 28
表4-2 個案一系統開發與測試階段所見疆界及問題 30
表4-3 個案一系統執行與維護階段所見疆界及問題 34
表4-4 個案一各類疆界與疆界跨越方式 35
表4-5 個案二系統分析與設計階段所見疆界及問題 38
表4-6 個案二系統開發與測試階段所見疆界及問題 41
表4-7 個案二系統執行與維護階段所見疆界及問題 45
表4-8 個案二各類疆界與疆界跨越方式 52
表4-9 個案三系統分析與設計階段所見疆界及問題 60
表4-10 個案三系統開發與測試階段所見疆界及問題 65
表4-11 個案三系統執行與維護階段所見疆界及問題 71
表4-12 個案三各類疆界與疆界跨越方式 75
表4-13 三個個案綜合比較 84
表4-14 三個個案疆界跨越方式 85
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