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研究生(外文):Jia-Wun Cai
論文名稱(外文):Finding Potential Business through Text Mining Techniques Based on Automotive Industry
指導教授(外文):Keng-Pei Lin
外文關鍵詞:text miningword2vecenterprise performancedata envelopment analysisMalmquist productivity index
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本研究以基於資料包絡分析法的麥氏生產力指數(DEA-based Malmquist productivity index)作為評估供應鏈公司企業績效之方法,實驗的結果顯示,以本研究所提出的方法找出的台灣供應鏈公司確實是具有發展潛力的。
In recent years, the breakthrough of science and technology has greatly changed human life. With the development of Internet and acceleration in global competition, economic globalization has become a major trend, and the influence of international organizations and multinational corporations are also becoming prominent. In terms of industrial development, single technologies can no longer meet the demand. Most innovations involve the technological integration across different domain. This study will focus on the analysis of technology collaboration across domain and international supply chain relation in automotive industry, to predict the promising Taiwanese automotive supply chain companies for the future.
With the development of information technology, enterprise decision makers can use news media to guide investment decisions. In this study, text mining is used to extract “hot” terms of new technologies and products from the news. These words are then used to find others potentially related to them, by using word2vec to search for words semantically similar as these new technologies and products, i.e. extended terms. On the other hand, patents are undoubtedly the most complete technical documents available to the public. Each patent represents the output of research and development. We thus use the extended terms of new technologies and products as keywords to search for patents with documents containing these keywords in the USPTO database, and identify these Taiwanese supply chain companies with patents in USPTO database.
This study adopts DEA-based Malmquist productivity index to evaluate the enterprise performance of supply chain companies. The experimental results show that the Taiwan companies identified with this method are indeed promising in their growth.
CHAPTER 1-Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background and Motivation............................................................................. 1
1.2. Results and Contribution................................................................................. 4
1.3. Overall Architecture......................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2-Literature Review............................................................................... 5
2.1. Text Mining ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Word2Vec ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 3-Methodology .................................................................................... 14
3.1. Research Process.......................................................................................... 14
3.2. Data Collection .............................................................................................. 16
3.3. Terms of Novel Technology Extraction .......................................................... 17
3.4. Keywords Analysis ........................................................................................ 20
3.5. Potential Business Discovery......................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 4-Experimental Results and Evaluation ............................................. 25
4.1. Dataset description........................................................................................ 25
4.2. Result on Terms of Novel Technology Extraction ......................................... 26
4.3. Result on Keywords Analysis........................................................................ 27
4.4. Result on Potential Business Discovery ....................................................... 29
4.5. Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 5-Conclusion and Future work............................................................ 41
References ........................................................................................................... 42
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