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研究生(外文):Ya-ting Jhang
論文名稱(外文):A forecasting model to predict business performance trend by combining textual information and financial ratios
指導教授(外文):Te-Min Chang
外文關鍵詞:Support vector machineLogistic regressionBusiness performance trendNaïve BayesForecasting models
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為了更加檢驗文字資訊結合財務指標的預測能力,本論文使用三種分類器來進行檢驗,實驗的結果發現,在單純貝氏分類(Naïve Bayes)、支援向量機(SVM)和邏輯式迴歸(Logistic regression)中,文字資訊結合財務指標的預測能力都比純用財務指標或純用文字資訊的預測能力都還要好,這說明若能在財務資訊的基礎上再搭配上文字資訊的輔助,能夠幫助投資者和股東對公司績效成長有更好的判斷。
The annual report is a complete financial report of the company. It contains textual and financial information such as balance sheet, operating conditions and financial status to help investors have better understanding of the company’s operating status and the future policy. Compared with traditional analysis method based on financial ratios, the textual information derived from annual reports can supply much more immediate and helpful clues related with the company’s operating status and future direction. Therefore, textual contents are very necessary information for investors to make decisions.
In the previous studies, we found that few researchers employed textual information to predict the business performance trend. Most of them estimated corporate performance only with financial ratios. Therefore, this study combines textual information and financial ratios to predict business performance trend. To analyze the textual information of annual reports, we examine the explanatory contents extracted from annul reports to obtain the text information. The number of variables are reduced by exploratory factors analysis (EFA) into more accurate variables. Afterwards, we adopt Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to address imbalanced data problem.
To examine the performance of combing textual information and financial ratios, we apply three classifiers including Naïve Bayes, SVM, logistic regression. According to the results of experiment, the textual information can strengthen the model’s forecasting performance. The investors and shareholders can take this model to support them managing their investment strategies.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature review 5
2.1 Textual information in finance domains 5
2.2 Processing of textual information 6
2.3 The measurement of business performance trend 8
2.4 Financial variables in finance domain 10
2.5 Variable reduction 13
2.6 Imbalance data preprocessing 14
2.7 The application of text mining 16
Chapter 3. Methodology 23
Step1. Appropriate indicator selection 24
Step2. Dimension reduction 28
Step3. Imbalance data manipulation 29
Step4. Model generation 30
Chapter 4. Experiment results and analyses 32
4.1 Experiment Design 32
4.2 Experiment I: Step 2. Dimension reduction 35
4.3 Experiment II: Step 3. Imbalanced data manipulation 39
4.4 Experiment III: Step 4. Model generation 40
Chapter 5. Conclusion 44
5.1 Summary 44
5.2 Future work 46
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