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研究生(外文):Yu-Wen Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Role of Control and Collective Regulatory Focus on IS Projects
指導教授(外文):Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Information Systems (IS) projectRegulatory focus theoryCollective regulatory focusRegulatory fitControl theory
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調節焦點理論將個體區分為預防型和促進行焦點兩種,預防型焦點以確保安全、責任和義務為主要目標,促進型焦點則以達成成就、抱負、理想和希望為主要目標。本研究調節焦點應用於團隊層級,稱之為「團隊調節焦點」。本研究結合控制理論和調節焦點理論提出研究模型,來探討1) 哪種控制模式(正式控制和非正式控制)惠促發哪種團隊調節焦點?2)不同類型的團隊調節焦點(預防型和促進型)對於團隊績效的影響? 3) 專案績效的表現是否取決於任務的特性(不確定性和相互依賴性)與團隊調節焦點之間的調節適配?
Control is one major stream in information systems (IS) studies. In organization context, control is a process that controllers specify performance goal, evaluate controllee’s current performance, and cause improvement when a gap between predefined and measured performance is observed. Different types of control mechanisms may be exercised to assure IS project teams can achieve the predefined goal within expected budget and schedule. However, past studies largely ignore the characteristics of the team. This study attempts to study 1) which control mode (formal control and informal control) can induce a particular collective regulatory focus for an IS project team? 2) how different types of collective regulatory foci (prevention focused vs. promotion focused team) affect the IS project team performance? 3) is it contingent on a fit between types of task characteristic (task uncertainty and task interdependence) and types of collective regulatory foci?
In order to answer the research questions, a research model, integrating organization control and collective regulatory focus, is built to explain IS project performance. The model and relationship are tested and validated by using data collected from 97 are project teams which include 97 project leaders and 370 team members. The results show that collective prevention focus has significant negative relationship with specification and positive feedback, but collective promotion focus has significant positive relationship with self-control and clan control. Moreover, collective prevention focus has a negative effect on project performance. Of moderating effect, a collective prevention focus team may have lower project performance, especially when the task uncertainty is high and task interdependence is low. Academic and practical implications are discussed.
The Relationship between Control and Collective Regulatory Focus 15
The Relationship between Collective Regulatory Focus and Project Performance 17
Moderating Role of Task Characteristics 18
Control variables 20
Measurement Model 31
Structural Model 34
Moderating Effect 37
References 49
Appendix 56
A. Questionnaire for project manager 57
B. Questionnaire for team member 61
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