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研究生(外文):Shih-hsuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Ant-Based Location-Aided Routing for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks
指導教授(外文):Zi-Tsan Chou
外文關鍵詞:ant-colony algorithmGPSroutingcognitive ad hoc networks
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本論文研究感知隨意網路上的路由(routing)協定。根據行動台是否配有GPS(全球定位系統),感知隨意網路上的路由協定可分為二類:一類是不具位置輔助的路由協定,另一類是具位置輔助的路由協定。不具位置輔助的路由協定通常是透過flooding的方式找尋最佳路徑。然而最佳路徑可能因網路環境變動的關係(例如某些主要使用者處在傳輸狀態的頻率增加)而不再是最佳路徑。這類路由協定的缺失之一是一旦找到最佳路徑後,即使網路環境變動了,只要路徑沒有斷裂,資料封包的傳送仍會固守在舊有的路徑。另一方面,在行動台配有GPS的情況下,具位置輔助的路由協定將變得很簡單。此時行動台不需要flooding,只需透過greedy forwarding即可找到路徑。然而greedy forwarding的方式未必能找到最佳路徑。為此,本論文提出新的具位置輔助的路由協定,稱為ant-based location-aided routing(簡稱ALR)。ALR具有二個優點:(一)ALR不需透過flooding即可找到最佳路徑。ALR將封包視為螞蟻,模擬螞蟻在移動後會留下費洛蒙的特性,使得往後行動台可以根據網路上的費洛蒙值選擇最佳鄰居來幫忙轉傳封包。(二)ALR可以根據網路環境調整最佳路徑。當網路環境變動而有更好路徑時,ALR利用費洛蒙蒸發的功能淘汰舊有的路徑。最後,模擬實驗結果顯示ALR勝過目前已知相關的具位置輔助的路由協定。
In this thesis, we address the issue of routing on a cognitive ad hoc network, where all secondary users are mobile stations. Based on whether mobile stations are equipped with GPS (global positioning system), routing protocols in a cognitive ad hoc network can be classified into two categories: location-free and location-aided. Location-free routing protocols typically employ flooding to find out the optimal routing path. One of the drawbacks of location-free routing protocols is that the data packets always travel through the fixed path even though the activities of primary users near to some mobile stations on the routing path become more frequent. Instead of using flooding, location-aided routing can adopt the greedy-forwarding strategy to find a routing path. However, such a routing path is typically not optimal. In this thesis, we propose a new location-aided routing protocol, called ant-based location-aided routing (ALR), which has two advantages: (1) ALR can find the optimal path without using flooding. In ALR, DATA packets and ACK packets mimic the behaviors of ants. Especially, ants can lay pheromone on each link along the current best path. When the amount of pheromone in a network becomes higher, the path of a DATA ant will converge to the optimal one. (2) ALR adapts well to the varying environment. Especially, ALR adopts the pheromone evaporation mechanism such that when the environment changes, the amount of pheromone on the outdated optimal path will become lower, and the path of a DATA ant will automatically converge to the new optimal one. The simulation results show that in terms of end-to-end routing delay, normalized routing overhead, and data delivery ratio, ALR outperforms existing related location-aided routing protocols.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 相關研究 2
1.2 論文貢獻 7
第二章 網路模型與媒介存取控制 9
第三章ALR協定 14
3.1 路徑選擇規則 14
3.2 費洛蒙更新規則 19
3.3 費洛蒙蒸發規則 21
3.4 路徑維護規則 22
第四章 模擬實驗 23
4.1 實驗環境及參數設定 23
4.2 模擬器設計與實作 26
4.3 模擬實驗結果 29
4.3.1 路由協定參數之驗證 29
4.3.2 主要使用者處在OFF state的平均時間對效能的影響 36
4.3.3 Licensed Channel個數對效能的影響 40
4.3.4 行動台移動速度對效能的影響 45
4.3.5 行動台個數對效能的影響 49
4.3.5 Flow個數對效能的影響 53
第五章 結論 57
參考文獻 58
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