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研究生(外文):Yu-Chen Fan
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on Energy-Saving Based Scheduling for Battery Testing System
指導教授(外文):Chin-Sien Moo
外文關鍵詞:production ratebattery testingBatteryschedulingenergy-saving
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電池進行活化與分容程序時,在容許可犧牲之產能率,經由適當地安排各電池進入測試的時間點,利用電池充放電的功率相互抵消,可減少測試時功率轉換的損耗,節省總用電量。本文以電腦模擬電池可同時或按順序啟動之排程,在給定之充放電電流態樣和待測電池總數,考慮各級轉換器充放電效率與測試系統基本功率消耗,計算測試時間與用電率,求得節省最多電能的最佳節能排程;此外,並探討測試流程中發生異常時,延誤與修復時間對用電率與排程的影響。本文以充放電測試機對12顆電池進行兩種同時啟動之排程實驗,所測得的用電量和模擬結果誤差在1.5 %以下。
To reduce the energy consumption in a battery testing system, the charging and discharging powers can be counterbalanced to each other by appropriately arranging cell formation and sorting processes, in which, the tested batteries may be started at the same time or one by one. With acceptable reduced productivity, the energy-saving scheduling can be obtained by searching for a testing arrangement with the minimum energy supplied from the AC mains. Computer simulations are made under specified charging/discharging current profiles, the tested cell number, power converters’ efficiencies and based power consumption of the testing system. The effects of delay and recovering times on energy consumption and production rate are inspected when a fault happens during the testing procedure. Experiments of energy-saving scheduling carried out on a battery testing system with 12 cells have shown that the simulated and experimental energy consumption is less than 1.5 %.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 論文大綱 3
第二章 電池測試介紹 4
2-1 電池應用 4
2-2 電池測試 6
第三章 可同時啟動之節能排程 7
3-1 系統架構 7
3-2 排程流程 11
3-3 配方影響因子 13
3-4 排程延誤處理 26
第四章 順序啟動之節能排程 30
4-1 排程流程 30
4-2 排程模擬 36
第五章 實例驗證 41
5-1 實驗配置 41
5-2 配方A實驗 43
5-3 配方B實驗 45
第六章 結論與未來研究 46
6-1 結論 46
6-2 未來研究方向 48
參考文獻 49
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