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研究生(外文):Wan-Chin Wu
論文名稱(外文):MIMO Antennas for the Metal-Casing Smartphone
指導教授(外文):Kin-Lu Wong
中文關鍵詞:行動天線MIMO天線金屬機殼手機手機天線2 × 2 MIMO4 × 4 MIMO
外文關鍵詞:Mobile antennas4 × 4 MIMO2 × 2 MIMOMIMO antennasMetal-casing smartphoneSmartphone antennas
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本論文提出兩個可應用於LTE MIMO系統之金屬機殼手機天線設計。第一個設計為可應用於2 × 2 WLAN及4 × 4 LTE MIMO系統之金屬機殼手機天線設計,此設計只利用到手機的兩短邊金屬邊框作為天線輻射部,且天線淨空區僅需2 mm。其中,第一、二、五天線位於手機上方短邊,第一天線為一倒F形天線,可涵蓋824~960/1710~2690 MHz,第二天線為一半環圈天線,可涵蓋1710~2690 MHz LTE頻帶以及1575~1610 MHz GPS頻帶,第五天線為一半環圈天線可應用於WLAN頻帶,位於手機下方短側邊的第三、第四和第六天線對應於上方的第一、第二和第五天線為其相似結構。第一以及第三天線在824~960 MHz可應用於2 × 2 LTE MIMO系統,第一、第二、第三以及第四天線在1710~2690 MHz則可應用於4 × 4 LTE MIMO系統,第五及第六天線在WLAN頻帶則可應用於2 × 2 WLAN MIMO系統。為了解決第一個設計天線封包相關係數(ECC)過高的問題,第二個設計提出可降低ECC的解耦合LTE MIMO天線。其中,第一天線為一倒F形天線,藉由匹配電路能夠涵蓋LTE低頻824~960 MHz以及高頻1710~2690 MHz。第二天線為一半環圈天線搭配匹配電路可涵蓋1710~2690 MHz的頻寬操作。半環圈天線的短路位置位於此兩天線的饋入位置間,其短路連接長度為19 mm的金屬邊框,可導引兩天線間的電流,改善雙天線的隔離度以及降低封包相關係數(ECC)使此兩天線在1710~2690 MHz可應用在2 × 2 LTE MIMO系統,增加通道容量,提高傳輸速率。此外,將此天線設計增加置放至另一短邊,形成第二雙天線,可使全部四天線在1710~2690 MHz應用於4 × 4 MIMO系統。
Two designs of the LTE MIMO antennas for the metal-casing smartphone are presented. The first design is the MIMO antennas for the 2 × 2 WLAN and 4 × 4 LTE MIMO operation in the metal-casing smartphone. All the antennas use the metal frame to be their radiators and are disposed at the short edges of the smartphone with a narrow metal clearance of 2 mm. Ant1, Ant2 and Ant5 thereof are disposed at the top edge of the smartphone. Ant1 is an inverted-F antenna covering 824~960/1710~2690 MHz for the LTE operation. Ant2 is a half-loop antenna covering 1710~2690 MHz for the LTE operation and 1575~1610 MHz for the GPS operation. Ant5 is a half-loop antenna for the WLAN operation. Ant3, Ant4 and Ant6 are disposed at the bottom edge of the smartphone. The structures of Ant3, Ant4 and Ant6 are similar to those of Ant1, Ant2 and Ant5. Ant1 and Ant3 can be applied in a 2 × 2 LTE MIMO operation in 824~960/1710~2690 MHz. Ant1, Ant2, Ant3 and Ant4 can be applied in a 4 × 4 LTE MIMO operation in 1710~2690 MHz. Ant5 and Ant6 can be applied in a 2 × 2 WLAN MIMO operation in 2400~2500/5000~6000 MHz. In order to decrease the envelope correlation coefficients (ECCs) of the MIMO antennas, new decoupled antennas for the LTE MIMO operation in the metal-casing smartphone are also presented. The decoupled MIMO antennas include an inverted-F antenna and a half-loop antenna and are disposed at the short edge of the smartphone. The inverted-F antenna can cover 824~960/1710~2690 MHz. The half-loop antenna can cover 1710~2690 MHz. Good ECCs of the two antennas can be obtained owing to the decoupling structure of the half-loop antenna. Two additional antennas of same structure are disposed at the opposite short edge to form four MIMO antennas for the 4 × 4 LTE MIMO operation. Details of the antenna design and the calculated MIMO channel capacities are presented.
第一章 序論 (Introduction)
1.1 研究動機……………………………………………………………………....1
1.2 文獻導覽……………………………………………………………………....1
1.3 論文提要……………………………………………………………...............2
第二章 應用於金屬機殼手機之LTE以及WLAN MIMO多天線 (MIMO Antennas for the LTE/WLAN MIMO Operation in the Metal-Casing Smartphone)
2.1 天線結構及技術原理說明…………………………………………………....5
2.2 模擬及實驗結果分析………………………………………………………..16
2.3 延伸設計……………………………………………………………………..23
2.4 心得與討論…………………………………………………………………..25
第三章 應用於金屬機殼手機之解耦合LTE MIMO 天線 (Decoupled LTE MIMO Antennas in the Metal-Casing Smartphone)
3.2 MIMO效能分析……………………………………………………………...36
第四章 結論 (Conclusions)…………………………………………………………...47
參考文獻 (References)………………………………………………………………...49
著作表 (Publication List)……………………………………………………………...51
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