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研究生(外文):Kyle Shih-Huang Lo
論文名稱(外文):Optimized Display Power Saving in Mobile Devices to Human Visual Perception
指導教授(外文):Chia-Hung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Subjective visual quality assessmentHuman visual perceptionOrganic light-emitting diode (OLED)Liquid-crystal display (LCD)Backlight dimmingMobile devicesPixel dimming
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行動裝置已成為現今最主要的資訊傳遞媒介;無線行動通訊與高畫質顯示技術的持續發展,帶動了使用者對各種行動高畫質影音服務與創新應用程式的需求。考量電池總電量有限及軟硬體功能不斷提升所消耗的額外電力,如何延長續航力已成為行動裝置科技領域中極受重視的研究議題。由於螢幕之耗電量位居行動裝置所有元件之首,故本論文目標為提出一先進節能顯示技術,利用人類視覺感知特性,降低顯示面板之背光亮度及調整其顯示內容,在維持視覺品質的情況下達成省電效果。首先,本論文開發一基於主觀視覺品質之背光調整演算法 (SVQB-GBD),降低液晶顯示器之耗電量;並針對有機發光二極體顯示器設計一以視覺注意力為基礎之像素調光演算法 (VAB-PD),提升其顯示能源效率。接著,利用運動矢量提取、GPU像素補償和像素採樣三項技術,將演算法實現於行動裝置之即時視訊撥放應用。最終,透過電量量測實驗驗證論文所提演算法於行動裝置上之節能效果。
Mobile devices have significantly increased the accessibility and availability of multimedia data for people. Come along with is the tremendously increased demand for longer usage time from users as the number of mobile applications keep growing, which prompts us to find a way to reduce the energy cost on mobile devices. Since screen dominates major power consumption, this thesis aims to develop a power saving scheme for displaying videos on mobile devices. By leveraging the attributes of human visual perception, the proposed methods modify backlight intensity and image content to lower the power usage of display panels without affecting visual quality. First, a subjective visual quality-based global backlight dimming (SVQB-GBD) algorithm for LCD is introduced. For OLED display, a visual attention-based pixel dimming (VAB-PD) method is designed. After that, three strategies, including motion vector extraction, GPU-based pixel compensation, and pixel subsampling, are used to apply the proposed algorithms to mobile devices for real-time video display. Finally, the experimental results of power measurement are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Contribution 4
1.4 Organization 6
Chapter 2 Background & Literature Review 7
2.1 Liquid-crystal Display 7
2.2 Organic Light-emitting Diode Display 9
2.3 Human Visual System 10
2.4 Global Backlight Dimming Algorithm for LCD 11
2.5 Pixel Dimming Algorithm for OLED 14
Chapter 3 Proposed Power Saving Algorithms 16
3.1 SVQB-GBD 17
3.1.1 Backlight Dimming and Pixel Compensation 18
3.1.2 Brightness and Visual Uncertainty Analysis 19
3.1.3 Subjective Experiment for SVQB-GBD 21
3.1.4 Building the BSR Prediction Model 27
3.1.5 BSR Optimization 32
3.2 VAB-PD 34
3.2.1 Saliency Map Generation 35
3.2.2 Pixel Dimming Function 38
3.2.3 Subjective Experiment for VAB-PD 39
Chapter 4 Efficiency Enhancement for Power Saving Algorithms on Mobile Devices 41
4.1 Efficient Decoder with MV Extraction Technique 42
4.2 GPU-based Pixel Compensation 43
4.3 Pixel Subsampling 44
Chapter 5 Experimental Results of Power Measurement 46
5.1 Testing Environment 46
5.2 Measurement Results of SVQB-GBD 47
5.3 Measurement Results of VAB-PD Algorithm 51
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future works 53
6.1 Conclusions 53
6.2 Future Works 55
Reference 56
Publication List 63
Honors and Awards 65
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