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研究生(外文):Sheng-chao Su
論文名稱(外文):A Two-Tone Self-Injection-Locked Radar for Life Detectors
指導教授(外文):Tzyy-Sheng Horng
外文關鍵詞:self-injection-locked (SIL) radarremote rangingvital sign detectionDisplacement monitoringdual frequency radarquadrature phase switching
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在生命偵測儀的部分,為了要達到此目的,本論文加入了一能夠產生0°/90°相位延遲的壓控相移器在正交自我注入鎖定雷達(QSIL)架構,搭配訊號處理,本論文可以克服移動物體都卜勒相位移注入鎖定狀態下非線性失真的問題。量測距離可以藉由同時使用兩頻率量測的技術去比較其解調訊號相位而得,在第二章中操作在2.4 GHz ISM頻帶的實驗中,使用由致動器控制的金屬板來驗證本論文的理論預測。除此之外,另一實驗則是受測者距離雷達1.7 m處量測,該實驗可以根據受試者的微小胸部起伏與心跳,成功地檢測心肺活動和其當下量測距離,於是本論文在低使用頻寬的情況下,同時量測心肺活動與距離資訊。
穿戴式裝置的部分,為了兼顧穿戴式裝置靈敏度、舒適性、與續航性的需求,本論文採用雷達技術進行生理徵象感測。首先,本論文分別利用自我注入鎖定雷達(SIL)與傳統連續波雷達(CW)對1 m外的受測者量測呼吸與心跳以比較其性能,並選定雙基式自我注入鎖定雷達實現一脈搏感測器,穿戴式標籤電路由一個振盪器(SILO)與一個平板天線組成。當放置在受測者的手腕表面橈動脈位置,由同一天線發射並接收由脈搏產生的都卜勒回波訊號使振盪器操作在自我注入鎖定狀態,因此由SILO產生的輸出訊號將被無線頻率解調器所接收並解調得到脈搏資訊。
This thesis is devoted to extend self-injection locked (SIL) radar in life detector and wearable device.This system can remotely monitor the 1-D vibration, displacement, and range information of a moving target.
In life detector part, to achieve this goal, an additional phase shifter which provides 0°/90° phase delay is utilized in the quadrature self-injection-locked (QSIL) radar architecture. With the corresponding digital signal processing techniques, the moving target’s Doppler phase shift can be determined without the nonlinear distortion caused by the SIL phenomenon. Then the range information can be figured out by the phase difference of the two demodulated signals that one respectively measured with two different carrier frequencies. In experiments with a prototype operated at 2.4 GHz ISM band, a metal plate controlled by a precise actuator is utilized to verify the theoretical predictions.Moreover, for an individual seated 1.75m away from the radar, the prototype can successfully detect the vital sign and range information based on the subject''s tiny chest movement. Accordingly, in the premise of saving spectrum resource, it is demonstrated that the system has promising ability to detect vibration, displacement, and distance with high dynamic range from tiny fluctuation such as vital signs to general case such as motion detection and vibrometering.
In wearable device part,to achieve sensitivity, comfort, and durability in vital sign monitoring, this study explores the use of radar technologies in wearable devices. The study first detected the respiratory rates and heart rates of a subject at onemeter distance from the radars to compare the sensitivity versus power consumption between an SIL radar and a CW radar. Then, a pulse rate monitor was constructed based on a bistatic SIL radar architecture. This monitor uses an active antenna that is composed of a SIL oscillator (SILO) and a patch antenna. When attached to a band worn on the subject’s wrist, the active antenna can monitor the pulse on the subject’s wrist by frequency modulating the SILO with the Doppler phase shift. Subsequently, the SILO’s output signal is received and demodulated by a remote frequency discriminator to obtain the pulse rate information.
第一章 序論...........................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.................................................................................................1
1.2 位移與生命監測系統..........................................................................................2
1.3 脈搏感測器........................................................................................................8
1.4 章節規劃..........................................................................................................15
第二章 正交自我注入鎖定雷達............................................................................16
2.1 系統架構暨理論推導........................................................................................16
2.2 位移量測實驗...................................................................................................23
2.3 雙頻式正交自我注入鎖定雷達..........................................................................26
2.3.1 金屬板測距...............................................................................................26
2.3.2 生命測距偵測...........................................................................................35
第三章 應用於脈搏感測之雙基式自我注入鎖定雷達.............................................38
3.1 自我注入鎖定雷達與傳統連續波雷達之性能比較...............................................38
3.2 系統架構............................................................................................................45
3.2.1穿戴式標籤電路設計 ..................................................................................45
3.2.2無線頻率鑑別器設計 ..................................................................................49
3.4 實驗結果............................................................................................................50
第四章 結論 ..........................................................................................................53
參考文獻 ..................................................................................................................54
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