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研究生(外文):Chien-Lun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Doppler-Shift Detection of Wi-Fi Signals Combined with Computer Vision Processing for Tracking 3D Hand Gesture Trajectory
指導教授(外文):Tzyy-Sheng Horng
中文關鍵詞:混合動作偵測系統Wi- Fi訊號都卜勒雷達擴增實境注入鎖定座標校正三維手勢偵測像素基底之計算機視覺處理
外文關鍵詞:augmented realityhybrid motion detection systemWi-Fi Doppler radarpixel- based computer vision3-D hand gesture detectioncoordinate conversioninjection-locked
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This thesis presents a 3-D hand gesture tracking technique using the 2D camera of a smartphone and injection-locked Doppler radar system based on Wi-Fi signals. The motion detection principle of this technique involves methods of pixel-based computer vision and the Doppler phase-shift detection. This thesis proposed a spatial coordinate calibration algorithm to obtain the information of the transverse displacement component of the hand gesture by converting the pixel coordinates of the image in the smartphone into the space coordinates of the radar. On the other hand, the Doppler phase shift caused by hand gestures was extracted from the Wi-Fi reflection signal by using the Wi-Fi signal-based radar system to obtain the information of the longitudinal displacement component of the same hand gesture. Finally, the 3-D hand gesture trajectory was constructed in space coordinates by combining the transverse and longitudinal displacement components.
In terms of computer vision processing, the dynamic tracking technique was used in early stage, the center of the palm was identified by the difference between the moving target and the background model. But there were some issues that needed to modify the algorithm further. At last, the blocks identification algorithm based on the HSL-color was used in follow-up experiments. In terms of the radar technique, the monostatic passive radar system was used to perform 1-D and both hands gesture detections first, and then the 3-D gesture trajectory model was accomplished with the help of signal processing and computer vision. Eventually, developments of non-real-time and real-time gesture tracking techniques were achieved with the hybrid system.
Talking about the technology of 3-D hand gesture recognition (HGR), hybrid gesture sensing technique has higher potential than the current mainstream optical methods. Advantages of this hybrid detection method are lower computation resources and power consumption than the other. After miniaturization, the proposed system can be used in the smartphone to achieve AR or VR functions and doesn’t need extra cameras or RF transmission source for 3-D gesture detection applications.
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究背景與動機...1
1.2 三維攝影技術與雷達技術之介紹...2
1.3 論文章節組織...7
第二章 混合手勢感測雷達之機制原理...8
2.1 計算機視覺處理機制...8
2.1.1 計算機視覺之演算法...8
2.1.2 影像座標與真實世界座標...14
2.2 WI-FI訊號都卜勒相移偵測雷達原理...20
2.2.1 應用於雷達系統之注入鎖定理論...20
2.2.2 都卜勒相移偵測雷達之手勢追蹤技術...25
第三章 WI-FI訊號都卜勒相移偵測雷達架構...31
3.1 雷達架構之優化...31
3.1.1 頻率選擇之探討...32
3.1.2 方向性天線探討...34
3.1.3 系統雜訊比之探討...40
3.1.4 致動器實驗對照組...44
3.2 都卜勒相移偵測技術應用...49
第四章 混合手勢感測雷達之應用...53
4.1 非即時性三維手勢軌跡追蹤技術...53
4.1.1 真實座標的軌跡校正...53
4.1.2 整合計算機視覺之三維手勢軌跡...59
4.2 即時性三維手勢軌跡追蹤技術...64
第五章 結論...71

圖1. 1...ASUS ZENFONE AR之攝像硬體規格...2
圖1. 3...REALSENSE F200感測器...4
圖1. 4...LEAP MOTION 感測器...5
圖1. 5...混合手勢感測雷達示意圖...6
圖2. 1...起始確認連接端口之介面...8
圖2. 2...動態偵測演算法之介面...9
圖2. 3...卡爾曼濾波後軌跡與原始軌跡比較...10
圖2. 4...相機之有效偵測範圍距離之實驗 (A)手掌比例過小(B)初始手勢過於接近螢幕...11
圖2. 5...手勢移動後的軌跡偏移 (A)手勢初始移動之軌跡(B)手勢轉折後之...軌跡...11
圖2. 6...重心以手肘為主時判斷的手勢軌跡變化(A)正常的手勢軌跡情況(B)手肘對軌跡的影響情況...12
圖2. 7...HSL 色彩空間示意圖 (A)HSL色彩空間(B)HSL色彩空間截面...13
圖2. 8...初始化區塊偵測之介面...14
圖2. 9...HSL色彩空間的閥值調整介面...14
圖2. 10...二維影像之座標定義...15
圖2. 11...真實物體的位置投影到螢幕畫面的位置...16
圖2. 12...相機參數轉換機制...17
圖2. 13...影像平面中XY軸夾角相對的傾斜程度...17
圖2. 14...外部參數轉換示意圖...18
圖2. 15...影像座標系統...19
圖2. 16...真實世界座標系統...20
圖2. 17...注入鎖定振盪器之簡化模型...21
圖2. 18...注入訊號向量分析圖...21
圖2. 19...不同注入功率下的鎖入時間與頻率關係...25
圖2. 20...傳統連續波都卜勒雷達架構...26
圖2. 21...ILQR解調單元...27
圖2. 22...WI-FI訊號都卜勒相移偵測雷達示意圖...27
圖3. 1...64QAM調制訊號注入鎖定之頻域表現(A)ESG產生之調制訊號(B)注入鎖定後之輸出訊號...31
圖3. 2...注入鎖定振盪器之輸出頻率與WI-FI頻段...32
圖3. 3...振盪器鎖定在2.46 GHZ時的正交通道之訊息...33
圖3. 4...振盪器鎖定在特定頻率時的正交通道訊息 (A)操作頻率為2.40 GHZ...(b)操作頻率為2.43GHz ...34
圖3. 5...振盪器鎖定在特定頻率時的正交通道訊息 (A)操作頻率為2.37 GHZ...(b)操作頻率為2.55GHz ...34
圖3. 6...量測環境示意圖...35
圖3. 7...高指向性天線...35
圖3. 8...高指向性天線量測之不同手勢正交通道資訊...36
圖3. 9...高指向性天線量測之不同手勢封包振幅...36
圖3. 10...高指向性天線量測之不同手勢位移偵測...36
圖3. 11...低指向性天線...37
圖3. 12...低指向性天線量測之不同手勢正交通道資訊...37
圖3. 13...低指向性天線量測之不同手勢封包振幅...37
圖3. 14...低指向性天線量測之不同手勢位移偵測...38
圖3. 15...全向性天線...38
圖3. 16...全向性天線量測之不同手勢正交通道資訊...38
圖3. 17...全向性天線量測之不同手勢封包振幅...39
圖3. 18...全向性天線量測之不同手勢位移偵測...39
圖3. 19...移動平均之衰減與頻率關係...41
圖3. 20... ADS分析整體訊號的直流位準...41
圖3. 21... ADS分析手勢訊號之基底位準...42
圖3. 22...HP-8594E頻譜分析儀...43
圖3. 23...ZABER致動器A-LSQ150A...44
圖3. 24... ZABER CONSOLE之操作介面...45
圖3. 25...致動器測量環境...46
圖3. 26...致動器連續擺動3 CM的正交通道資訊...46
圖3. 27...致動器連續擺動3 CM的封包值與位移...47
圖3. 28...致動器週期擺動3 CM的正交通道資訊...47
圖3. 29...致動器週期擺動3 CM的封包值與位移...48
圖3. 30... A-LSQ150A致動器之誤差值...49
圖3. 31...WI-FI訊號都卜勒相移偵測雷達實體圖...49
圖3. 32... LABVIEW 程式流程圖...50
圖3. 33...手勢造成相位角逐漸遞減的現象...50
圖3. 34...達成手勢讓收機翻頁的實驗...51
圖3. 35...都卜勒相移雙手偵測雷達架構...51
圖3. 36...應用雷達技術玩橫向捲軸闖關之遊戲...52
圖4. 1...WI-FI訊號都卜勒相移偵測雷達架構...53
圖4. 2...應用計算機視覺技術來捕獲手勢的橫向軌跡...54
圖4. 3...手勢橫向位移資訊...54
圖4. 4...手勢縱向位移資訊(A)正交都卜勒訊號(B)瞬時位移資訊...55
圖4. 5...SENSOR KINETICS之軟體介面...56
圖4. 6...校正程序示意圖(A)朝著已知角ΘX的方向揮動(B)朝著已知角ΘY的方向揮動...57
圖4. 7...X軸軌跡校正實驗...58
圖4. 8...真實座標之橫向位移轉換關係 (A)X軸位移轉換參數(B)Y軸位移轉換參數...58
圖4. 9...混合手勢雷達實驗...59
圖4. 10...控制手機端與電腦端的傳輸時間差異...60
圖4. 11...LABVIEW處理三維手勢訊號之流程圖...60
圖4. 12...非即時性LABVIEW程式介面概覽...61
圖4. 13...橫向位移接收程序之人機介面...61
圖4. 14...使用MATLAB建立手勢三維軌跡...62
圖4. 15...混合手勢感測雷達技術重建三維帶狀手勢軌跡(A)連續拍攝手勢揮動(b)重建後的三維手勢軌跡...63
圖4. 16...即時性混合手勢感測雷達“SET AND REPORT”使用者介面...65
圖4. 17...即時性混合手勢感測雷達“Z RAW DATA”使用者介面...66
圖4. 18...即時性混合手勢感測雷達“3D REAL TIME”使用者介面...66
圖4. 19...即時性混合手勢感測雷達之程式介面一...67
圖4. 20...即時性混合手勢感測雷達之程式介面二...68
圖4. 21...即時性混合手勢感測雷達與LEAP MOTION的比對實驗...68
圖4. 22...LEAP MOTION數值擷取的程式介面...69
圖4. 23...即時性混合手勢感測雷達與LEAP MOTION之手勢軌跡對照...70

表2. 1...ZE552KL之簡易規格表...8
表2. 2...向量分析圖之參數定義...22
表3. 1...距離天線10-30 CM處手勢資訊...42
表3. 2...距離天線20-30 CM處手勢資訊...42
表3. 3...訊雜比與注入訊號間的關係...43
表3. 4...注入訊號功率與平均訊雜比之關係...44
表4. 1...即時性混合手勢感測雷達與LEAP MOTION之三維手勢軌跡距離誤差...69
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