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研究生(外文):Cheng-Han Tai
論文名稱(外文):Stub Alternated Microstrip Lines with Crosstalk Suppression for DDR System
指導教授(外文):Ken-Huang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Stub alternatedEquivalent circuitCrosstalkSignal IntegrityEye diagram
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For the past few years, the single-ended transmission line is still not entirely replaced by differential transmission line in the high speed circuit. Double Data Rate (DDR) memory system, which is single-end, parallel signal bus used for reading and writing data. As the speed of clock continues to increase and the operating voltage decrease, crosstalk becomes a critical problem that could degrade Signal Integrity (SI) performance.
A new T-stub alternated microstrip line structure is proposed and it can eliminate far-end crosstalk (FEXT) by increasing the mutual capacitance and decreasing the difference between capacitance ratio and inductance ratio. In order to design the T-stub structure, parameters of equivalent circuit are extracted. The equivalent circuit is also simulated in frequency domain and time domain, and then compared to full-wave simulation.
In comparison to other methods, the T-stub structure not only improves the performance but also reduces the layout area, and furthermore it does not need extra cost. To solve the impedance matching problem, a ground slot is adopted in T-stub alternated microstrip line structure, which can compensate for the decreasing impedance and reduce the number of stubs. This work can reduce the peak of Vfext by more than 80% compared with original microstrip line. By observing the eye diagram, the signal quality is improved. Also, measurement results are in good agreement with simulation results.
第一章 緒論.........1
1.1 研究背景與動機.........1
1.2 文獻回顧.........2
1.3 論文架構.........4
第二章 串音干擾.........5
2.1 串音干擾的形成.........5
2.1.1 電容性串音.........5
2.1.2 電感性串音.........6
2.1.3 近端串音和遠端串音.........7
2.2 防護串音干擾的方法.........8
2.2.1 防護線.........8
2.2.2 蛇行線.........9
2.2.3 殘段結構.........11
2.2.4 解決方法之總結.........12
2.3 奇模態與偶模態之電路分析.........14
2.3.1 奇模態.........14
2.3.2 偶模態.........17
2.3.3 等效電路參數分析.........20
第三章 T-stub結構.........22
3.1 Stub結構分析.........22
3.1.1 Stub長度、間距與數目探討.........22
3.2 T-stub結構.........29
3.2.1 等效電路.........29
第四章 T-stub結構與地層槽孔.........37
4.1 地層槽孔.........37
4.1.1 阻抗匹配.........41
4.2 量測結果與分析.........42
4.3 眼圖分析.........46
4.4 近端串音電壓分析.........48
第五章 結論.........50
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