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研究生(外文):Chih-wei Lei
論文名稱(外文):New Wireless Video Transmission Network with Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding
指導教授(外文):Fan-Shuo Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Distributed Video CodingLight-Weight Video CodingWyner-Ziv Video CodingDecoding-Friendly Encoder DesignDigital Video Transcoding
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本論文首先提出了一項新型的方塊補償型分散式視訊編碼(Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding; PB Based DVC)技術。以此為基礎我們也提出了新型的無線視訊傳輸網路架構; 它結合了我們先前提出的方塊補償型分散式視訊編碼、數位視訊轉碼(DVT)和友好解碼編碼器的設計(DFED)三項設計於一身。此項新網路設計的優點,可以產生較低複雜度的視訊編碼器(因為使用DVC於上載端)與解碼器(因為使用DFED於下載端),並將視訊處理的複雜度移至網路端,同時卻不會增加太多視訊轉換成本(因為使用DVT於網路端)。當然,我們提出的方塊補償型分散式視訊編碼器與傳統DVC相較之下,有較低的運算複雜度(CC)和硬體的成本。事實上,我們的DVC在編碼端使用SAD和DC對每一方塊作分類,並且捨棄一些方塊;且在解碼端將方塊與像素補償還原回來。因此,我們提出的新的視訊網路可以將運算複雜度,從終端的可攜設備轉移到固定的網路端,這樣一來我們便能降低終端的可攜設備的成本。最後,由模擬結果可知,在上載端我們提出的方塊補償型分散式視訊編碼(PB Based DVC)在效能上優於傳統的DVC。
In this thesis we first present a novel Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding (PB Based DVC) paradigm. Based on this new DVC coding technique, we then propose a new wireless video transmission network architecture, which combines our proposed Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding, Digital Video Transcoding (DVT) and Decoding-Friendly Encoder Design (DFED). In this new proposed video transmission network, the DVT is worked directly with the DFED, which is quite different from the conventional DVT, and the DFED is known to have the advantage of simple and efficient decoder. Also, our proposed Padding Block Based DVC solution requires lower computational complexity (CC) and hardware cost at the encoder side, compared with the conventional DVC schemes. In fact, it uses pad blocks and pixels at decoder from reference frame for those skipped blocks at encoder with sum of absolute differences (SAD) and DC classification. Hence, with the new proposed video network configuration, we could further shift the CC from the portable device to the network side, and this enables us to lower the cost of portable device. The experimental results for the uplink path show that the proposed scheme can achieve desired video quality and outperform the conventional DVC schemes for most test video sequences.
論文審定書 . ................................................................................................ i
論文公開授權書........................................................................................... ii
中文摘要 ..................................................................................................... iii
英文摘要 ...................................................................................................... iv
圖次 .............................................................................................................. x
表次 ............................................................................................................. xiv

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................... 1
1-1 Distributed Video Coding 2
1-2 Wireless Video Transmission Network 3
1-2-1 Traditional DVC for WVTN
1-2-2 Our Improvement for WVTN
1-3 Outline of the Thesis 5
1-4 Publications 6

Chapter 2 Conventional Video Coding Standards......................................... 9
2-1 H.263 Video Coding 9
2-2 MPEG-4 Video Coding 10
2-3 H.264 Video Coding 12
2-3-1 H.264/AVC Fidelity Range Extensions
2-3-2 H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding
2-3-3 H.264/AVC Multiview Video Coding

Chapter 3 Conventional Distributed Video Coding........................................ 17
3-1 The Stanford Distributed Video Coding Architecture 18
3-2 The Berkeley "PRISM" Distributed Video Coding Architecture 20
3-3 The European "DISCOVER" Distributed Video Coding 22

Chapter 4 New Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding Paradigm
.......................................................................................................................... 25
4-1 Introduction 25
4-2 Related Works 28
4-2-1 Boundary Matching Algorithm
4-2-2 Spatial Texture Synthesis
4-3 Proposed Distributed Video Coding Architecture 29
4-3-1 Encoder part
4-3-1-1 Classification
4-3-1-2 Skip and DC fill in
4-3-1-3 Conventional Intraframe Encoder
4-3-1-4 Record Table
4-3-2 Decoder Part
4-3-2-1 Zero Motion Vector Replacement
4-3-2-2 Partial Boundary Matching Algorithm
4-3-2-3 Spatial Temporal Texture Synthesis
4-3-2-4 Image Inpainting
4-3-2-5 Conventional Intra Frame Decoder
4-3-2-6 Reverse Video Sequence
4-4 Experimental Results 37
4-5 Summery remark 42

Chapter 5 Motion Estimation and Mode Decision at Decoder for Padding Block-based Distributed Video Coding..........................................................43
5-1 Introduction 43
5-2 Background and Methodology 46
5-2-1 Traditional Motion Estimation at encoder in H.264/AVC video coding
5-2-2 Motion estimation at decoder with PBMA
5-2-3 Conventional Mode decision at encoder in H.264/AVC video coding
5-2-4 Mode decision at the decoder with PB-based DVC
5-3 Padding Block-based Distributed Video Coding Scheme 54
5-3-1 Encoder Part
5-3-2 Decoder Part
5-3-3 Enhance function
5-4 Experimental Results 60
5-5 Summery remark 65

Chapter 6 Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Video Transmission Network
.......................................................................................................................... 66
6-1 The Difference of Proposed DVT and Traditional DVT 68
6-2 Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding Scheme 71
6-3 The Difference of DFED and Traditional Video Coding 75
6-4 Experimental Results 76
6-4-1 The Video test sequences criteria
6-4-2 BMA and STTS Condition (Skip Blocks Coding Condition)
6-4-3 Quantization parameters (QPs), Quantization index (Qi) from DISCOVER codec and Group of Pictures (GOP) Constrains
6-4-4 Comparison with Reference Video Coding Solutions
6-5 Summery remark 86

Chapter 7 Video Coding in a Cloud with Distributed Video Coding and Decoding-Friendly Encoder Design..................................................................... 87
7-1 Introduction 87
7-2 New Proposed Network Architecture with Video Coding in the Cloud 91
7-3 DVC in Uplink 92
7-3-1 Background of Traditional DVCs
7-3-2 Proposed PB Based DVC scheme
7-4 DFED in Downlink 99
7-4-1 DFED motivation
7-4-2 Proposed DFED solutions
7-5 Experimental Results 102
7-5-1 PB Based DVC performance
7-5-2 Sub-pixel motion search simplification performance
7-5-3 UVLC and CABAC entropy coding of DFED performance
7-6 Summery remark 109

Chapter 8 Distributed Video Coding for Combining RFID and Video Surveillance
8-1 Introduction 111
8-2 RFID System 113
8-3 Padding Block Based Distributed Video Coding Scheme 115
8-4 Advantages of Our Proposed Distributed Video Coding for RFID System
8-5 Experimental Results 117
8-6 Summery remark 120

Chapter 9 Conclusions ..................................................................................122

References .......................................................................................................124
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