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研究生(外文):Meng-Lin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Wind Power Forecast and Regulation Reserve Requirement Analysis
指導教授(外文):Chan-Nan Lu
外文關鍵詞:Ramping AnalysisIntermittentWind Power ForecastNeural NetworkRegulation Reserve
  • 被引用被引用:3
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(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)技術,建立風力發電短期預測模型。利用時間序列
的排程與穩定性。本研究最後利用PSSE 軟體分析風力發電預測準確性對電力系統
Due to the intermittent nature of wind power, wind power generation is unstable. In
order to reduce the impact of wind farm, additional operate reserve is requried. In this
thesis, next day wind power forecast and historical wind power ramping analysis are
applied to determine the required additional regulation reserve. Wind power forecasting
model is established by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Wind power time series
data and numerical weather prediction wind speed data are applied to day-ahead wind
power prediction. In this study, through historical output data of wind farms, output
ramping analysis is conducted. Depending on location, season and time, output variation
are different. The analysis results are used to determine additional regulation reserve
required. Finally, the impact of wind power generation on power system is analyzed by
using PSSE package.
論文審定書 ......................................................................................................... i
致謝.................................................................................................................... ii
中文摘要 ........................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ............................................................................................................. iv
目錄.................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 .............................................................................................................. vii
表目錄 ............................................................................................................... xi
第一章 緒論 ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ............................................................................... 1
1.2 再生能源發展現況 ........................................................................... 2
1.2.1 國際再生能源發展 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2
1.2.2 台灣再生能源發展 ------------------------------------------------------------ 7
1.3 風力發電預測模型簡介 .................................................................. 12
1.3.1 預測尺度 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.3.2 預測模型種類 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.4 再生能源發電對系統備轉容量的影響 .......................................... 16
1.5 風力發電預測對系統衝擊影響 ...................................................... 16
1.6 文獻回顧 ......................................................................................... 17
1.7 論文貢獻與架構 ............................................................................. 19
第二章 風力發電預測模型與輸出變動分析 ...................................................20
2.1 以類神經網路為基礎之短期風力發電預測模型 ........................... 20
2.1.1 類神經網路介紹 ------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.1.2 類神經網路模型建立 ------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.2 風力發電廠輸出變動量分析 .......................................................... 30
2.3 利用發電變動統計資料決定備轉容量需求之步驟 ....................... 32
2.4 討論 ................................................................................................. 36
第三章 風力發電預測結果比較與應用 ..........................................................37
3.1 預測結果 ......................................................................................... 37
3.1.1 彰濱地區風力發電預測 ---------------------------------------------------- 37
3.1.2 北部、中部風力發電廠預測----------------------------------------------- 42
3.1.3 預測模型結果比較 ---------------------------------------------------------- 44
3.2 北部、中部風力發電廠輸出變動量分析 ....................................... 56
3.2.1 地區性變動差異比較 ------------------------------------------------------- 57
3.2.2 季節性變動差異比較 ------------------------------------------------------- 63
3.2.3 時間性變動差異比較 ------------------------------------------------------- 67
3.3 結合風力發電預測及發電變動量統計資料之備轉容量分析結果
........................................................................................................ 77
3.4 風力發電預測對系統衝擊影響分析 .............................................. 89
3.4.1 分析案例說明 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 89
3.4.2 電力潮流分析 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 91
3.4.3 偶發事故分析 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 94
3.4.4 次日需額外增加備轉容量是否充足 ------------------------------------- 103
3.4.5 討論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
第四章 結論與未來研究方向 ........................................................................ 106
4.1 結論 ............................................................................................... 106
4.2 未來研究方向 ............................................................................... 108
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................... 109
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