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研究生(外文):Chia-Ling Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Miniaturized, Low Cost Butler Matrix and its Application in Antenna Beamforming
指導教授(外文):Lih-Tyng Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Butler matrixBranch-line couplerMiniaturizationPhased array antennaBeam-forming network(BFN)Low-cost
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隨著無線設備的興起而使用者大增,在有限的可用頻帶下,面臨訊號間相互干擾的問題,常見的2.4 GHz頻段已非常擁擠,因此各國家在第五代移動通信系統(5G)提出新的免執照頻段於5 GHz(5.15 GHz~5.85 GHz)。本論文即設計於此頻段,並利用可切換陣列天線之波束方向提高天線指向性,不僅可降低訊號干擾和減少功耗,還因操作於高頻而提高傳輸速率。
本論文題出之巴特勒矩陣大小僅有29 mm×56.5 mm(0.94 λg×1.88 λg),比傳統巴特勒矩陣縮小40 %。將縮小化之巴特勒矩陣,搭配控制開關並整合三角形平面饋入之天線,達到高頻寬、高指向性、高增益之切換陣列天線應用,使波束成形於3D各方向。
With rapid growth in the usage of wireless devices, there is severe interference between the signals in the limited frequency space. Moreover, it is crowded in the ISM 2.4 GHz band. Therefore, an unlicensed spectrum at 5 GHz, from 5.15 GHz to 5.85 GHz, is proposed by multiple countries for 5G wireless systems use, and this paper focuses on this band. By using the beam direction of the switchable array antenna, which improves the antenna directivity, can not only reduce the signal interference and power consumption, but also increase the overall transmission coverage.
In this paper, there are three parts in switchable array antenna design: a phase difference feed network, an array antenna that forms a radiation field, and a switch that controls the phase difference. The feed network uses a simple structure of the Butler matrix which made by a coplanar waveguide with ground on both sides of the single-layer board instead of the crossover; thus the area can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, by bending the branch coupler can not only increase the isolation between the two layers, but also reduce the area made in length of 1/4 wavelength. Compared to the Integrated Passive Device (IPD) technology, using the organic substrate and minimizing Butler matrix is the quickest way to validate design concept.
The size of the Butler matrix is 29 mm × 56.5 mm, 0.94 λg × 1.88 λg, which is 40% lower than the traditional design. By using the miniaturized Butler matrix with the switch and the triangular antenna feeding can achieve an array antenna design with broad bandwidth, high directivity, and high gain.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2論文架構 6
第二章 巴特勒矩陣網路理論及基本特性 7
2.1散射參數 7
2.2雙埠網路奇偶模分析 8
2.2.1偶模態 9
2.2.2奇模態 9
2.2.3散射參數分析 10
2.3傳輸(ABCD)矩陣 10
2.4枝幹耦合器 12
2.4.1偶模態分析 13
2.4.2奇模態分析 14
2.4.3散射參數分析 15
2.5接地共面波導 16
2.6巴特勒矩陣網路架構與介紹 18
2.7相控陣列天線(phased array antenna) 20
第三章 巴特勒設計與模擬 23
3.1枝幹耦合器 23
3.2交叉線路與45度相移器 26
3.3巴特勒矩陣 28
3.4可切換巴特勒矩陣 30
3.5章節討論 34
第四章 陣列天線原理與模擬 35
4.1平面天線原理 35
4.2三角形平面饋入之平面天線 37
4.3 陣列天線與波束成形 40
4.4巴特勒矩陣的切換3D波束成形 45
4.5章節討論 47
第五章 巴特勒矩陣的切換3D波束成形系統實作與量測 48
5.1可切換巴特勒矩陣之實作與量測 48
5.2陣列天線之實作與量測 50
5.3巴特勒矩陣的切換3D波束成形系統 53
5.4章節討論 56
第六章 結論與未來展望 57
6.1結論 57
6.2未來展望 57
參考文獻 59
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