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研究生(外文):Yu-Yan Hu
論文名稱(外文):Both Side Collection on Emitter Wrap Through Bifacial Solar Cell
指導教授(外文):Jyi-Tsong, Lin
外文關鍵詞:both-side collectioncarrier transport lengthdouble-sided emitterbifacial
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在本篇論文中,我們提出了一具有雙邊載子蒐集之雙面照光環繞式射極太陽能電池 (Both Side Collection on Emitter Wrap Through Bifacial Solar Cell, BSC-EWT)。在此研究中,我們以雙邊射極概念作為主軸,可帶來較佳的載子蒐集,增加短路電流密度,並討論了相關架構,與之比較提出優化架構。雙邊射極架構提降低載子行進至電極之路徑,可增加載子蒐集效率並減少複合機率發生,並可使用較低生命期之基板,例如:p-type Si或mc-Si,在低成本考量下達到高效率表現。為了探討此架構之特性,使用TCAD模擬軟體來探討各種架構的表現並且進行幾何與製程參數的校正。首先,具有雙邊射極的EWT (Emitter Wrap Through)架構比起BC-BJ (Back contact and back junction)效率提升了3.87 %,達到了21.16 %。隨後,當雙邊射極皆有電極接觸時形成了BOSCO (Both Side Contact and Collection)架構,少數載子收集效率達到最佳狀態,與EWT相比效率提升了2.06 %。然而,儘管少數載子收集效率已然足夠,多數載子仍需靠著橫向移動到達底部電極,使得串聯電阻提升,降低了填充因子與效率。為了再次提升轉換效率,我們將背面Al-BSF也移到前表面增設,形成上下對稱式架構,可降低多數載子的擴散路徑,模擬結果顯示可改善串聯電阻與填充因子。儘管BOSCO有較高的短路電流密度,BSC-EWT所提升的填充因子與開路電壓,仍使得轉換效率達到最高值22.92 %。最後,比起沒有雙邊載子蒐集功能的BC-BJ,我們的BSC-EWT效率提升了12.5 %。於雙面照光方面,也發揮了架構的優點,電池背部在額外的光源接收下,效率增益的幅度較高,比起其他架構,較為適合於雙面照光應用。
We propose a symmetrical solar cell structure which has both emitters and Al-SFs in the both sides. They can enhance the effect of the both-side collection and increase the JSC. The comparison between the other cells also demonstrate the advantage of our new BSC-EWT (Both Side Collection on Emitter Wrap Through) solar cell. The both-sided emitter can lower carrier transport lengths in the base which suppress the recombination effect. The both-side collection allow to employ low lifetime material, such as p-type Si or mc-Si, which can achieve high efficiency and low cost at the same time. By using the TCAD simulator with carefully calibration, we investigate the behavior of these cells. First, the EWT (Emitter Wrap Through) has double-sided emitters therefore the conversion efficiency improves 3.87 % compared with BC-BJ (Back contact and back junction), but it still needs to promote. When the both-side contacts are set up in the EWT, which is so-called BOSCO (Both Side Contact and Collection), the collection of minority carrier has been promoted perfectly and improves the efficiency for 2.06 % again compared to EWT. In order to further improve the FF by lower the series resistance, our new BSC-EWT has proposed double-sided emitters and Al-SFs structure that can reduce the current paths. Even if there is a small reduction of JSC to BSC-EWT, the increments of FF contribute the efficiency significantly compared with BOSCO. Finally, the BSC-EWT achieve highest efficiency of 22.92 %, which improved 12.5 % compared to that of the original BC-BJ. Moreover, the bifacial testing shows that our BSC-EWT with double-sided emitters and both-side contacts is beneficial for bifacial application.
中文審定書 i
英文審定書 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 xi
第一章、導論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 動機 6
第二章、元件製作 9
2.1. 模擬元件 9
2.2. 元件實作 12
第三章、模擬結果與討論 14
3.1. 傳統太陽能電池架構 15
3.2. 具有雙邊載子蒐集功能之環繞式射極太陽能電池 17
3.2.1. 射極之覆蓋率優化 20
3.2.2. 表面電場區域(Surface Field, SF)之覆蓋率優化 25
3.2.3. 各區域摻雜濃度優化 28
3.2.4. 基板參數優化 34
3.2.5. 最終優化結果 40
3.3. 各種架構之比較與雙面照光應用 41
3.3.1. 各種架構之效率表現模擬 41
3.3.2. 具有雙邊載子蒐集功能之環繞式射極太陽能電池的雙面照光模擬 43
3.3.3. 各種架構之雙面照光模擬 46
3.3.4. 溫度對於太陽能電池之影響 50
3.3.5. 鈍化層對於太陽能電池的影響 53
3.4. 實作量測與結果討論 56
第四章、結論與未來展望 60
4.1. 結論 60
4.2. 未來展望 62
參考文獻 63
論文著述 70
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