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研究生(外文):Mei-Jung Wu
論文名稱(外文):An Efficient Method to Assess Audio Quality and Its Hardware Implementation
指導教授(外文):Tong-Yu Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:audio processing circuitsaudio acceptability evaluationerror-tolerancePEAQerroneous audio
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PEAQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality)為現今常被使用的音訊品質評估方法,本研究以其運算結果做為品質評估準確與否之依據,並進行效能評估。本論文共提出兩套高效率測試方法,相較於PEAQ,軟體執行時間降幅可分別達94.24%及77.27%。第一套方法可有效評估出錯音訊處理電路之輸出結果品質,對一般音訊來說測試準確率可達82.33%,而對於語音訊號來說準確度甚至可達92.42%。此方法也相當適合以硬體方式實現,硬體成本僅佔商用MP3解碼器的3.98%。第二套方法則對進行壓縮後之音訊品質評估相當有效,在原音訊頻帶夠寬時準確率可達100%,而對錯誤壓縮音訊之準確率亦有80.80%。相較於第一套方法,此方法將需較高硬體成本,故較適合以軟體方式實現。然而,若能適當與音訊處理系統進行硬體共用與整合,硬體成本將可大幅降低。
To facilitate storage and transmission, lossy compression is usually used for audio signals despite the possible quality degradation. On the other hand, scaling down of transistor sizes makes audio processing chips more sensible to process defects and noises and result in erroneous audio. Aging effects may also result in adverse impacts on audio quality. These would make messages delivered mis-understood. This problem becomes more critical for internet of things applications where speech recognition is expected to play an important role. Fortunately, minor variations in audio are likely to be imperceptible due to human beings’ hearing insensitivity. This makes errors possibly still acceptable. The life time of audio chips can thus be extended. Therefore, one critical issue is how to effectively evaluate the acceptability of audio.
In the literature there have been a number of accurate audio assessment methods developed. However, high computation complexity is required for these methods where long software execution time or unaffordable high hardware cost would be incurred. In this work, our goal is to develop an efficient audio acceptability evaluation method based on human beings’ hearing sensibility.
PEAQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality) is one of the widely used audio quality assessment methods. In this work, we use PEAQ results to evaluate accuracy of the proposed methods and also evaluate the performance. Two efficient methods are proposed. Compared to PEAQ, both methods can reduce the software execution time by 94.24% and 77.27%, respectively. The first method can effectively assess output quality of faulty audio circuits — 82.33% accuracy for ordinary audio and even 92.42% for speech. This method is also easy to be implemented by hardware. The incurred hardware cost is only 3.98% with respect to commercial MP3 decoders. The second method is effective for compressed audio. 100% accuracy is achievable when the bandwidth of the reference audio is large enough. For faulty compressed audio, 80.80% accuracy can be achieved. Compared with the first proposed method, this method has higher hardware implementation complexity, and thus software implementation is preferred. Nevertheless, the hardware cost can be reduced if hardware in audio systems is used and investigated with the proposed method.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 概論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 貢獻 1
1.3 論文大綱 3
第二章 背景及相關文獻回顧 4
2.1 音訊容誤 4
2.2 人耳聽覺特性 4
2.2.1 聽力閾值 (Hearing Threshold) 4
2.2.2 遮蔽效應 (Masking Effect) [10]-[12] 5
2.3 MP3 (MPEG-1 Layer3) 7
2.4 Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) 8
第三章 基於時域強度差異之容誤品質評估方法與實現 11
3.1 簡介 11
3.2 音訊之時域遮蔽效應與容誤 11
3.3 時域強度區間劃分 11
3.4 時域強度差異與可接受度探討 13
3.5 音訊點數量與可接受度探討 16
3.6 時域強度差異容誤品質評估方法 17
3.6.1 評估流程 17
3.6.2 準確率分析 20
3.7 效能評估 21
3.8 硬體實現 23
3.8.1 架構 23
3.8.2 記憶體內容 25
3.8.3 運作流程 25
3.8.4 準確率 26
3.8.5 成本分析 27
3.9 語音之應用 28
3.9.1 語音品質之重要性 28
3.9.2 軟體準確率 29
3.9.3 硬體準確率 29
3.10 討論與延伸 30
第四章 整合頻域及時域差異之容誤品質評估方法與實現 31
4.1 簡介 31
4.2 音頻與容誤 31
4.2.1 頻率與音訊品質 31
4.2.2 時域強度轉折點 34
4.2.3 頻率強度差異 34
4.3 時域強度轉折點分析 35
4.3.1 轉折點差異與頻譜變化 35
4.3.2 轉折點差異與可接受度 36
4.4 頻率強度差異與可接受度分析 36
4.4.1 3KHz 37
4.4.2 12KHz 37
4.5 整合之評估方法 38
4.6 準確率分析 41
4.7 效能評估 44
4.8 硬體實現 46
4.8.1 架構 46
4.8.2 運作流程 49
4.8.3 記憶體內容 50
4.8.4 準確率 50
4.8.5 成本分析 51
4.9 綜合比較與探討 53
第五章 總結與未來展望 55
第六章 參考文獻 56
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