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研究生(外文):Shang-hung Hu
論文名稱(外文):Design of virtual inductance for drooped-controlled inverter in microgrid
指導教授(外文):Tzung-Lin Lee
外文關鍵詞:linear time-variantgrid connectionislandingnon-synchronousmicrogriddroop controlvirtual inductance
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This paper presents a design of virtual inductance for droop-controlled inverter in microgrid. This droop-controlled inverter can regulate voltage magnitude and frequency when microgrid is operated in islanded mode. Moreover, by applying the virtual inductance, microgrid is able to connect to grid without pre-synchronization. The virtual inductance is designed with a large initial value that will dynamically decrease over time. After a specific time period, the virtual inductance reaches steady state and is fixed at a final value. Because the dynamic virtual inductance is time-varying, Laplace transform operation is not suitable for analysis. Instead, state-space model and small-signal analysis is preferred to conduct the system model and determine the system stability. The system model includes the droop control, the voltage control, the output filter, the output line impedance and the dynamic virtual inductance. The design consideration of the virtual inductance will be explained specifically; the corresponding design criterion of initial value, final value and time constant will be described in detail, too. Time-domain simulation with respect to a simplified microgrid was built to verify that non-synchronous grid-connected operation can be achieved by using the well-design virtual inductance. Furthermore, a laboratory prototype with a droop-controlled inverter was set up to compare the performance between different types of virtual impedance.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Catalogue iv
Figure of Contents vii
Table of Contents xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature review 5
2.1 Power flow analysis and droop control 5
2.2 Phase-locked loop and frame transformation 10
2.3 Output filter 13
2.4 Voltage and current control strategy 15
2.5 Synchronization of grid connection 16
2.6 Non-synchronous grid connection technique 18
2.7 Applications of virtual impedance 22
Chapter 3. Design Consideration of Virtual Inductance 25
3.1 Design of droop control and multi-loop voltage control 25
3.1.1 The determination of droop controller 29
3.1.2 The determination of multi-loop controller 31
3.2 Design and analysis of the virtual inductance loop 33
3.2.1 The modeling of the droop controller 36
3.2.2 The modeling of the voltage controller 38
3.2.3 The modeling of the output filter and line impedance 40
3.2.4 The modeling of overall system 41
3.2.5 The determination of virtual inductance 44
3.2.6 Modeling extension for multiple inverters in Microgrid 46
3.2.7 Further consideration without synchronization technique 48
Chapter 4. Time Domain Simulation 51
4.1 Different types of virtual inductance 51
4.2 Multiple droop-controlled inverters in microgrid 55
Chapter 5. Experiments 72
5.1 The ride-through technique considering no virtual impedance 76
5.2 The ride-through technique considering the virtual inductance 78
5.2.1 The exponential decreasing virtual inductance 78
5.2.2 The constant virtual inductance 85
5.3 The ride-through technique considering virtual resistance 87
5.3.1 The exponential decreasing virtual resistance 87
5.3.2 The constant virtual resistance 91
5.4 Summary 93
Chapter 6. Conclusion 94
Reference 96
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