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研究生(外文):Tai-ang Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Error-Tolerability Test and Enhancement Methods for Images in Face Detection Applications
指導教授(外文):Tong-Yu Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:error-toleranceface detectionimage repairimage processingimage qulity evaluation
  • 被引用被引用:0
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Face detection is mainly used to determinate wherther the face in the image can be detected or not. Accordingly the identity of the person can be recognized. In IoT (Internet of Things) applications, face detection plays an important role, such as identity recognition for door-accessing in buildings, and customs. However, high temperature, power switch, data transmission, defects, and wear-out of image processing circuits of the face detection system may result in noisy or erroneous images. Fortunately, these noises or errors do not necessarily fail the face detection system. For example, if the structure of the face is not seriously destroyed, the face is still likely detectable. In other words, the face detection system contains the error-tolerance feature where some errors can be accepted. The lifetime of the system can thus be extended.
In the thesis, we carefully analyze the error tolerability of face detection systems, and compare with the human visiual system. Interestingly the comparison results show that the face detection system even has much higher error tolerability. We also propose a high efficiency error-tolerance test method to examine the acceptability of an image. In our experiments a total of 5730 erroneous benchmark images are used to evaluate the test accuracy of the proposed test method. Experimental results show that 97.12% test accuracy is achieved.
In addition, in this thesis we also present an efficient image repair method for face detection systems. The results show that the proposed method can effectively enhance the acceptability of erroneous images, and thus improve the reliability of the face detection system. In the literature there have been a number of related repair works. However most of these researches focus on repairing noisy images. Erroenous images due to circuit aging are seldom considered. Although some work targets such images, single-bit errors are assumed. In the thesis, we consider not only erroneous images, but also the occurrence of multiple-bit errors. We also investigate the issues that the previous approaches cannot deal with such errors effectively. Accordingly we propose a more powerful method to repair erroneous image. It is worth mentioning that our developed method has excellent adaptability where our method can be dynamically reconfigured according to the significance of erroneous images. As a result, the content of high-quality images can still be maintained, while the quality of the moderate-quality images can be significantly increased. As for low-quality images, they will not be repaired in order to save computation time and power consumption.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 概論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.3 論文大綱 4
第二章 研究背景及相關文獻回顧 5
2.1 影像容誤 5
2.2 影像品質評估參數 6
2.2.1 Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) 6
2.2.2 Feature Similarity Index with chrominance (FSIMc) 7
2.3 人臉偵測(Face Dection) 8
2.4 JPEG 2000 12
2.5 單一固接錯誤(Single Stuck-at Fault) 12
2.6 影像錯誤特徵分類 15
2.7影像影像容誤測試方法 18
第三章 應用於人臉偵測之影像容錯評估與測試 24
3.1 簡介 24
3.2 影像品質評估參數與人臉偵測結果探討 25
3.3 PPR影像分級方法與人臉偵測結果探討 30
3.4 點的錯誤特徵偵測 36
3.5 應用於人臉偵測的容誤品質評估方法 39
3.6 結果與討論 41
第四章 有錯電路之錯誤影像修復 42
4.1 簡介 42
4.2 影像修復方法的探討 43
4.3 影像修復方法探討與開發 43
4.3.1 修復流程簡介 43
4.3.2 邊緣偵測(Edge Detection) 44
4.3.3 錯誤偵測(Error Detection) 50
4.3.4 中值濾波器(Median Filter) 50
4.3.5 實驗結果 52
4.4 選擇性啟動影像修復方法的探討與開發 60
4.4.1 SW_E5EM5選擇性啟動影像修復的方法 60
4.4.2 PPR_E5EM5選擇性啟動影像修復的方法 64
4.4.3 實驗結果 65
4.5 結果與討論 72
第五章 硬體實現 73
5.1 硬體架構 73
5.2 硬體實現結果 74
5.2.1 中值濾波器比較次數 74
5.2.2 效能比較 75
第六章 結論與未來展望 77
第七章 參考文獻 78
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