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研究生(外文):Min-Hung Liang
論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of Tax Regulations on Real Estate Market- A Case Study in Kaohsiung City
指導教授(外文):Chin Tarn Lee
外文關鍵詞:EfficiencyTax RegulationReal Estate IndustryFairness
  • 被引用被引用:1
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A. 台北市的土地價格、房價是高雄市區的3倍以上。
B. 台北市民眾房屋貸款負擔率及房價所得比是高雄市區的1.85倍。
C. 台北市豪宅7000萬元起,而高雄市是4000萬元起。
D. 全國的政府機關、國營企業及大公司大多數在台北市。台北市人口約300萬,高雄市約270萬,但現有生產污染在高雄,而稅收建設在台北。
A.稅制修改是「化繁為簡」,不動產所有權移轉時,土地增值稅以實價計算,一次繳清,非常簡單,無法逃稅。B.持有稅以成交價或房屋現值徵收。 C.取消房地合一稅。
Tax cuts are the best way to prosper real estate industry. Since the implementation of Land Value Increment Tax 50% Cut on Jan 7, 2002, the number of new-constructed houses in Kaohsiung downtown area had increased 2.1 times than previous year in 2003. In addition, since the execution of reduction of Estate and Gift Tax on Jan 21, 2009, the number of new-constructed houses in Kaohsiung downtown area had increased 1.6 times than previous year in 2011 as well.
The leader handling tax reform must have the predictive ability, and make the right decisions at correct timings. Because Taiwan is categorized as a small open economy, it’s easier for our skilled people and funds to circulate among the whole international market. Therefore, it’s unwise of us to keep high tax rate. The Income Tax and Business Tax must be lowered so as to be closer to neighboring countries. Furthermore, Real Estate Tax and Opportunity Tax must be decoupled with international markets. Local governments in Taiwan have better revise tax regulations much thoughtfully first, and then charge Land Value Increment Tax, Land Tax, and Housing Tax directly based on the final prices or even present prices, and then use the tax incomes in local constructions more fairly and efficiently.
Modifying tax regulations according to Taipei City’s local problems and extending all of them to all cities in Taiwan is not appropriate. Some of the key reasons are as follows,
1. Land and housing prices in Taipei are five times as high as those in Kaohsiung.
2. Housing loans and the ratio of house price to income in Taipei are 1.85 times as high as those in Kaohsiung.
3. The prices for luxury houses are considered as over 70 million dollars in Taipei, whereas over 40 million dollars in Kaohsiung.
4. Most government agencies and large companies are located in Taipei city. The population of Taipei is around 300 million and Kaohsiung keeps a little bit smaller number, 270 million. However, most tax incomes as well as constructions are distributed to Taipei, but most factories and a variety of derived pollutions are left in Kaohsiung.
Furthermore, the current tax regulation, which merges Land Income Tax and House Income Tax into Operating Income Tax and Individual Income Tax, is not reasonable. Through my study, I hope to provide some suggestions as follows to improve the soundness and completeness for the subsequent tax regulation revisions in Taiwan,

1. The goal of revising tax regulations is to simplify the whole process. When real estimate ownership is transferred, Land Increment Tax has better be charged directly and just for one time.
2. Taxes of keeping lands and houses are better charged based on final price or present price.
3. Withdraw the implementation of Integrated Housing and Land Tax.
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 6
第四節 研究範圍及限制 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 高雄市不動產市場現況探討 9
第二節 不動產近10年政府稅務法規的修改之重要條文回顧 13
第三章 研究設計 18
第一節 研究架構 18
第二節 深度訪談資料蒐集方法 19
第四章 實證分析 31
第一節 政府稅賦減免,引資金回台灣,為促進經濟發展,帶動不動產市場發展? 31
第二節 為防止投機客抄作,政府對不動產課重稅,但不動產市場成交量減少20%,房價也下跌10%? 31
第三節 政府為了增加稅收,調高稅率繳稅超過1倍以上,最高達27倍,造成大多數民眾負擔不起,不動產市場交易量減少30%,成交價下跌10%,國內資金移往國外? 32
第五章 結論與建議 37
第一節 結論 37
第二節 建議 40
參考文獻 43
附錄 44
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林英彥著(2008) 。《不動產大辭典》,臺北:新學林。
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殷章甫著(2005) 。《土地稅》,臺北:五南。
殷章甫著(2012) 。《土地稅之經濟分析》,臺北:五南。
張金鶚、花敬群、彭建文、楊宗憲合著(2013) 。《房地產市場分析》,臺北:華泰。
張金鶚著(2013) 。《房地產是一輩子的事:張金鶚的買房、賺屋65問》,金尉。
蔡志忠著(2013) 。《漫畫孫子兵法.韓非子》,大塊文化。
賴碧瑩(2013)。〈區段徵收地價評定影響因素之研究--以高雄市為例〉,《土地問題研究季刊》第12卷 第3期,頁28-42
顏炳立著(2009) 。《買房子 顏炳立教你這樣算》,Smart智富。
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