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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ting Chou
論文名稱(外文):Systematic Design of the Opening and Closing Mechanism of the Yacht Door
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Ho Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Morphological chart methodDesign procedureOperating mechanism of the yacht doorthe Symbolic representation of kinematic function
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The doors which function is to isolate the cabin space are an important device on the yacht, and the operating mechanism which controls the door is more important. The purpose of this study is to develop a systematic methodology for the design of the operating mechanism of the yacht door. First, for analyzing patents and the product in the yacht company, use SAM to simulate the movement of yacht door, and summarizes the basic functions and design requirements of the door opening and closing mechanism. Then, reorganize design requirements for establishing the design specification table by objective tree law, ergonomic study and the cabin space data. Next, the motion path scheme is generated by using the motion input unit and the direction conversion unit which combined with the symbolic representation of kinematic function. The feasible system solutions of various types of doors were synthesized by morphological chart method. Finally, patterns were designed and implemented an initial filter by using SolidWorks, and the preferred system solution elected by decision matrix.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiii
第一章 前言 1
1-1 文獻回顧 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 基本概念 5
2-1 遊艇結構與通道系統 5
2-2 遊艇艙門的基本組成 8
2-3 遊艇艙門之功能構造 12
2-4 遊艇艙門之需求 18
2-5 結語 19
第三章 遊艇艙門分析 21
3-1 遊艇艙門運動分析流程 21
3-2 垂直通道活頁門分析 21
3-3 水平通道滑門分析 29
3-4 設計需求 33
3-5 結語 44
第四章 設計程序 45
4-1 系統化設計程序 45
4-2 遊艇艙門機構之構想設計流程 47
4-3 運動路徑方案設計 49
4-3-1 運動路徑方案合成 50
4-3-2 運動功能符號表示法 56
4-3-3 方向轉變單元之構想解 58
4-4 決定通道系統之尺寸 68
第五章 遊艇通道系統之設計實例 71
5-1 遊艇通道之系統解 71
5-2 遊艇艙門開閉機構之設計 94
5-3 設計結果之優選 119
第六章 結論與建議 122
參考文獻 123
附錄一 遊艇艙門之所有運動路徑 125
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