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研究生(外文):Ming-jer Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Joint Characteristics of Friction Stir Spot Welding of Steel to Al Alloy Using Embedded-rod Tool
指導教授(外文):Rong-Tsong LeeYuang-Cherng Chiou
外文關鍵詞:friction stir spot fusion welding(FSSFW)friction stir spot welding(FSSW)Al alloyembedded-rod(ER) toollow carbon steelintermetallic compound(IMC)Friction stir welding(FSW)
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摘 要
本研究旨在探討摩擦攪拌點銲(FSSW)低碳鋼板與鋁合金板的接合特性。為了挑戰厚度2 mm以上鋼板的搭接銲接,首先使用嵌入式(ER)工具對不同厚度配對之低碳鋼板進行FSSW,實驗條件為軸向負荷8 kN、主軸轉速1200 rpm以及擠壓時間100 s。結果顯示在擠壓時間12 s時,位於攪拌表面中心下方2 mm位置的溫度迅速上升至約900oC,其遠高於使用普通工具的510 oC。使用ER工具下之工件熱機影響區深度約為6 mm,此值約為使用普通工具情況之2倍。當上板的厚度小於3 mm時,銲後接點的破壞負荷約為35 kN,其值約為使用普通工具情況之1.7倍。由於ER工具與工件之接觸面具有較高之滑動摩擦係數及黏附作用,使界面溫度及熱機影響區深度增加而有利於材料之擴散接合。因此,使用ER工具可銲接上板厚度達到4 mm,且其破壞負荷仍比使用普通工具銲接上板厚度2 mm的情況高。
另一方面,對於低碳鋼/鋁合金之難銲材料,使用ER工具使工具迴轉中心下方的鋁合金發生熔化來裂解氧化膜,使低碳鋼鋁合金接合,此稱之為摩擦攪拌點熔化銲接(FSSFW)。銲接工件為厚度2 mm的低碳鋼板與厚度5 mm或10 mm的6061-T6鋁合金板。實驗條件為軸向負荷12 kN、主軸轉速1200 rpm、以及不同的擠壓時間。結果顯示在鋁合金板厚為5 mm下,低碳鋼板與鋁合金的界面溫度於擠壓時間為8 s時迅速上升到鋁合金的熔點(652oC),於15 s時達到最高溫740oC。接點破壞負荷在擠壓時間為55 s時可達15 kN。當鋁合金板為10 mm,界面溫度於擠壓時間為20 s時上升到652oC,於45 s時上升至740oC。接點之破壞負荷在擠壓時間為55 s時可達22 kN。使用XRD檢測得知,低碳鋼/鋁合金的接合界面形成Fe2Al5和的Fe4Al13兩種鐵與鋁的金屬間化合物(IMC)層。另使用SEM量測IMC層厚度得知,IMC厚度隨著擠壓時間的增加而增加;但是當IMC厚度大於25 μm時,IMC厚度的增長速率變慢。接點破壞負荷會隨著IMC厚度的增加而增加,但是當IMC厚度大於17 μm時,破壞負荷迅速減少,這是由於IMC層內的裂痕變大之故。
為了瞭解IMC層的成長機制,本研究以數值解析計算工件之塑性流動速度及溫度分佈。當下板的鋁合金厚度為5 mm和10 mm,其分別在擠壓時間為10 s和20 s時其界面溫度達到熔點,然後因理論無法預測鋼板穿破,使得溫度持續增加。相較於10 mm鋁合金板,5 mm鋁合金板在擠壓時間35 s時,其界面溫度約高100oC。由於溫度對原子擴散速率有巨大影響,使得5 mm鋁合金板有較厚的IMC層。
This study aims to investigate the lapped joint characteristics of friction stir spot welding (FSSW) of the steel to the Al alloy using the embedded-rod (ER) tool. First, to challenge the lapped joint and welding of over 2 mm thick carbon steel, FSSW was conducted on a low carbon steel plate pair with different thicknesses using the ER tool under a downward force of 8 kN, a rotating speed of 1200 rpm and a dwell time of 100 s. Result showed that the temperature at 2 mm below the center of the stir surface rapidly increased to about 900°C using the ER tool, which was higher than that of 510°C using the plain tool. The depth of TMAZ using the ER tool was about 6 mm, which was 2 times that using the plain tool. When the thickness of the upper plate was less than 3 mm, the failure load using the ER tool was about 35 kN, which was about 1.7 times higher than that using the plain tool. As the coefficient of sliding friction and adhesion role between the ER tool and contact surface of workpiece are high, the interface temperature and TMAZ increased, which was favorable to the diffusion reaction of materials. Thus, with ER, the upper plate with the thickness as much as 4 mm can be welded, while its failure load using the ER tool was still greater than a 2 mm upper plate welded using the plain tool.
On the other hand, as of the materials which are difficult to be welded, such as steel/Al alloy, the ER tool was used to melt the Al alloy below the rotating center so as to cause pyrolysis of oxidation film and bond low carbon steel and Al alloy. This process was called friction stir spot fusion welding (FSSFW). Then, a low carbon steel sheet with the thickness of 2 mm was lapped on a 6061-T6 Al alloy sheet with the thickness of 5 mm or 10 mm using the ER tool under a downward force of 12 kN and a rotating speed of 1200 rpm at different dwell times. Result showed that when the 6061-T6 Al alloy was 5mm thick and the interface temperature of the low carbon steel and Al alloy rapidly rose to the melting point (652oC) of the 6061-T6 Al alloy in about 8 s and then achieved about 740oC in about 15 s. After welding, the failure load achieved 15 kN at the dwell time of 55 s. In contrast, when the 6061-T6Al alloy was 10 mm thick, and the interface temperature rapidly rose to 652oC in about 20 s and then achieved about 740 oC in about 45 s. After welding, the failure load achieved 22 kN at the dwell time of 55 s. The Al alloy sheet was melted at the central area of the faying surface, so that two IMC layers were formed at this surface and identified as Fe2Al5 and Fe4Al13, as detected by XRD and SEM images. Result showed that the IMC thickness increased along with the dwell time, but its increment rate became slower for IMC thickness larger than 25 μm. The failure load increased along with the IMC thickness, but the failure load decreased quickly for IMC thickness larger than 17 μm, because the thicker the IMC, the larger the crack was.
To understand the growth mechanism of the IMC layer, the numerical simulation was used to analyze the speed of plastic flow and the temperature distribution within the workpiece. The interface temperature achieved the melting point of the Al alloy at 10s and 20s for the lower Al alloy sheets with thickness of 5mm or 10mm, respectively, and then the temperature increased continuously, because the theory could not predict the steel sheet was broken through. The interface temperature of 5mm Al alloy sheet was about 100oC higher than that of 10mm at dwell time of 35s, so that the 5mm Al alloy sheet had a thicker IMC layer due to temperature has a most profound effect on the diffusion rate.
論文審定書 i
謝 誌 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 x
表 目 錄 xiv
符號說明 xv
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.2.1 摩擦攪拌銲接簡介 3
1.2.2 摩擦攪拌點銲接簡介 8
1.2.3 銲道的微觀組織 15
1.2.4 銲接工具之發展 19
1.2.5 熱量產生及其效應 26
1.2.6 鋼鐵材料的摩擦攪拌銲接 34
1.2.7 異種材料的摩擦攪拌銲接 35
1.3 研究目的 38
1.4 本論文研究之架構 39
第2章 嵌入式工具用於低碳鋼與低碳鋼之摩擦攪拌點銲接合特性 41
2.1 前言 41
2.2 實驗儀器與程序 43
2.3 結果與討論 53
2.3.1 接合界面溫度及軸向負荷變化 53
2.3.2 接合剖面巨觀和硬度分佈 55
2.3.3 接合破壞負荷及拉伸破斷面 59
2.3.4 討論 62
2.4 結論 65
第3章 低碳鋼對鋁合金的摩擦攪拌熔化點銲接之接合特性 66
3.1 前言 66
3.2 實驗儀器與程序 68
3.3 結果與討論 73
3.3.1 銲接界面溫度及軸向負荷變化 73
3.3.2 銲接點外觀及其結構 75
3.3.3 銲接破壞負荷及界面化合物 80
3.3.4 銲接破斷機制 83
3.4 結論 89
第4章 低碳鋼對鋁合金在摩擦攪拌熔化銲接期間之溫度分布及塑性流動之理論分析與實驗 90
4.1 前言 90
4.2 理論模型 92
4.2.1 假設及控制方程式 92
4.2.2 工件表面速度與溫度之計算 95
4.3 實驗步驟 97
4.4 結果與討論 99
4.4.1 鋁合金對鋼搭接溫度之理論分析與實驗驗證 99
4.4.2 討論 110
4.5 結論 113
第5章 總結與未來展望 115
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