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研究生(外文):Meng-Chiao Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Wearable Blood Pressure Continuous Monitoring Device
外文關鍵詞:Continuous blood pressure monitorTactile sensorPressure sensorStrain sensorRadial arteryPulse wave signal
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隨著長期照護的需求以及世人對個人健康的管理意識日漸提升,長期的生理監測系統急需被建立,而在各項生理訊號中,血壓是最重要的生理訊號之一,習用的水銀血壓計與電子血壓計是利用氣囊式壓脈帶(Cuff )對動脈施壓,長時間或頻繁地使用易造成使用者不適,且無法進行連續監測。
本研究應用光體積變化描記圖(Photoplethymography, PPG)感測器與壓電式應變感測器 (Piezo-electric strain gauge)分別在橈動脈 (Radial artery)血管兩端量測,將得到的訊號時間差與大小藉由血壓估算方法轉換為血壓。本研究設計一個按壓力感測器(Push load distribution sensor),係利用觸覺感測器(Tactile sensor)與壓力感測器(Pressure sensor)複合方法去校正使用者的配戴方式,以排除血壓估算方法中因為裝置配戴力量不一致所造成的訊號誤差。
With the needs of long-term cares and personal health managements are increasing, the physiological monitoring system are urgent to be established. In physiological signals, the blood pressure is one of the most important signals. Both the mercury and electronic sphygmomanometers adopt inflated cuffs to oppress arteries for blood pressure measurements. The user who uses the cuff chronically or frequently suffers discomfort. Therefore, the cuff-type sphygmomanometers are not suitable for continuous blood pressure measurements.
  This study used a photonthmography (PPG) sensor and a piezoelectric strain sensor to measure the pulse signals from the radial artery and the forefinger tip. The length of the pulse transit time between the two signals is used to estimate the blood pressure. In this study, a push load distribution sensor composed of tactile sensors and pressure sensors has been developed. It provides the user’s skin boundary conditions that enhance the repeatability of wearing conditions to eliminate the signal errors caused by the different wearing conditions.
  In blood pressure measurement experiments performed with 10 subjects aged between 20 and 25 years, the estimation mean errors against a validated cuff-type blood pressure monitor were 2.90% (standard deviation of 22%) and -2.74% (standard deviation of 17%) at rest for systolic and diastolic pressures respectively. The estimation error will be reduced once the push load difference is controlled under 1 %.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖次 viii
表次 xiii
符號說明 xv
專有名詞表 xviii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 2
1.3. 生理訊號波形之意義 2
1.3.1. 血壓基本知識 2
1.3.2. 血壓波形 4
1.4. 文獻回顧 5
1.4.1. 機械式連續血壓量測 5
1.4.2. 光學式連續血壓量測 6
1.4.3. PTT式連續血壓量測方法 7
1.4.4. 觸覺感測器 11
第二章 研究方法與理論 13
2.1. PPG量測 13
2.2. 皮膚脈搏應變量測 16
2.3. PTT檢測 20
2.4. 按壓力感測器 22
2.5. 按壓力感測器力學模型 25
第三章 量測裝置設計 27
3.1. 按壓力感測器設計 27
3.2. 網板印刷 28
3.3. 按壓力感測器結構設計 38
第四章 量測系統硬體建構與系統整合 42
4.1. 系統建構 42
4.2. 類比電路 44
4.2.1. 放大器 47
4.2.2. 濾波器 49
4.2.3. 惠斯登電橋 50
4.2.4. 按壓力感測系統 52
4.3. PTT運算與數位電路 53
4.4. LabVIEW程式設計 58
4.4.1. 計時 63
4.4.2. 訊號擷取、示波 64
4.4.3. 壓電轉換方程式 66
4.4.4. 校正常數計算 66
第五章 量測實驗與結論 68
5.1. 實驗裝置實際運作問題 70
5.2. 校正參數量測實驗 74
5.3. 平靜重複配戴量測實驗 79
5.4. 討論與結論 84
5.5. 未來展望 88
參考文獻 89
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