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研究生(外文):Sung-Po Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Coding Film Parameters on the Thermal and Stress Distributions of Glass-based Phosphor-converted Color Wheel
指導教授(外文):Kuang, Jao-Hwa
外文關鍵詞:optical to heat converting coefficientglass-based phosphor-converted color wheelarc shape moving heat flux
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文中涉及螢光體在高功率藍光雷射下轉換色光時之熱生成機制,故本文配合實驗溫度值推算 綠色螢光體與 黃色螢光體之光-熱轉換係數,做為雷射功率與熱源輸入之轉換依據。同時,為了縮短有限元素法計算動態熱傳-熱應力耦合模型所需之計算時間,本文提出一移動式弧形熱源,並針對其能量輸入與弧長大小進行探討,以達到近似實際投影系統之移動熱源輸入效果。數值結果顯示本文提出之有限元素架構,可成功探討螢光色輪在不同參數下之動/靜態溫度與熱應力分析。
由有限元素計算結果同時顯示,矽膠螢光色輪在本文中使用的功率與參數組合下,皆面臨矽膠老化的風險,而玻璃螢光體在操作條件下之最高溫度,僅玻璃轉化溫度之 左右,故可說明玻璃螢光色輪在高功率投影應用中之優勢。
Due to the environment consideration the mercury tube has been prohibited in Europe since 2000, then the phosphor doped silicone resin wheel was employed to convert the blue ray laser diode. However, the high temperature photonic decay and surface crack on the lens surface have degrade transmission significantly. The concept of replacing the encapsulant material of the phosphor layer from silicone to glass has been explored, recently.
In this study, the thermal effects of glass/silicone-based phosphor-converted color wheel (GP wheel/SP wheel) under different parameters and geometries are investigated. The thermal-structural coupling finite element model is employed to simulate the thermal and stress distributions in this thesis. In order to construct the finite element model, the experiments and engineering inverse approaches have been used to extract the optical to heat converting coefficient and the appropriate heat convection coefficient.
An arc shape moving input heat flux is proposed to simulate the moving laser input and to reduce the calculation time of the finite element model. According to the numerical and experimental results, the finite element model provided in this thesis is capable of simulating the steady/transient behavior of the resin and GP wheel. The results also reveal that thermal failures are very likely to occur to the SP wheel under all the parameters used in this thesis, but the maximum temperature of the GP wheel only reaches about 40% of the glass transition temperature. Numerical results reveal that the GP wheel may be a good choice to overcome all these thermal disadvantages in a high power laser lighted projector.
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Content iv
List of figures vi
List of tables x
Nomenclature xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background information and motivation 1
1.2 Literature review 7
1.3 Organization of the thesis 8
Chapter 2 Associated Theories and Finite Element Model 10
2.1 Associated Theories 10
2.1.1 The spontaneous Raman Effect 10
2.1.2 Heat absorption coefficients 14
2.1.3 The construction of uniform laser source 17
2.2 Finite Element Model and Assumptions 21
2.2.1 The geometry and material properties of GP wheel 21
2.2.2 Fixed displacements and rotation boundary condition 26
2.2.3 Laser input/heat flux input condition 29
2.2.4 Heat convection boundary condition 39
2.2.5 The numerical convergence test of the finite element model 41
Chapter 3 Engineering Inversing Techniques and Simulation Results 46
3.1 Engineering inversing techniques 46
3.1.1 Measurements of heat absorption coefficient 46
3.1.2 The modifications of finite element model 50
3.2 Numerical results 55
3.2.1 Thermal analysis under steady state condition 59
3.2.2 Stress analysis under steady state condition 75
Chapter 4 Conclusions 81
4.1 Conclusions 81
4.2 Further works 82
Reference 83
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