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研究生(外文):Yen-Lin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Wrinkles in Extensional Centrally Notched Rectangular Thin Films
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hwa R. Jen
外文關鍵詞:Centrally NotchedWrinklesPEThin filmsTensile
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本文實驗材料為厚度13μm的聚乙烯薄膜為主,於試片中央裁切直徑10mm正圓孔;孔洞種類分別為中央單一孔洞、中央直列兩孔洞與中央橫列兩孔洞且中心距皆為兩倍直徑。運用MTS Model 42微拉伸試驗機以速率1mm/min進行拉伸起皺實驗,並同時使用攝影機來進行非接觸式量測,利用所紀錄之實驗結果,整理薄膜所產生的皺褶數量所對應之負載關係,並藉由觀察皺褶分布與生長演變,瞭解具缺陷之薄膜材料其膜面變形機制。
The thesis aims to investigate the wrinkling phenomena of centrally notched rectangular Polyethylene(PE) thin films at room temperature. Numerous studies have shown that wrinkles influence the film structures, while the effect of wrinkles in notched films has been rarely discussed, particularly in polymer materials experimentally. In order to understand the wrinkling mechanism of thin films, the samples are arranged with different numbers of holes in the center of PE films for the tensile tests.
Round holes with diameters of 10mm were cut centrally in PE films with the thickness of 13μm. The holes in the films were arranged in three ways. One was to cut a single hole in the center, the others were to cut two holes with a distance of 20mm apart around the center vertically (2V), horizontally (2H). All samples were bonded on the cardboard frames and clipped in an MTS Model42 micro-tensile system. The tensile rate was 1mm/min and the wrinkle evolution with corresponding load were recorded by a high speed camera at the same step.
The experimental results show that the evolution of wrinkles can be divided into two stages from the elastic state of in-plane deformation to the plastic state of out-of-plane deformation. At elastic state the in-plane deformation was too small to be observed, and at plastic state the out-of-plane deformation, wrinkles, occurred. The different number of holes changed the wrinkling shape. Each wrinkle had upper and lower parts symmetrically or anti-symmetrically. Additionally, for the 2V type samples, there existed one more part of triangular wrinkles at the center of specimen. For 2H samples the wrinkles looked similar of both hole. In summarize the number of arranged holes affected the wrinkling forms and shapes.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3薄膜皺褶現象 3
1-4研究方向 4
1-5文獻回顧 4
1-6組織與章節 7
第二章 試驗方法 9
2-1薄膜材料 9
2-2 儀器設備 10
2-3試驗簡述 11
2-4試片準備與製作 11
2-5 拉伸試驗 12
2-5-1 常溫拉伸試驗 12
2-5-2實驗儀器設置 12
2-5-3薄膜固定框架設計 13
第三章 拉伸試驗結果 21
3-1室溫拉伸起皺試驗結果 21
3-2 薄膜皺褶量測結果 25
第四章 討論 70
4-1 中央一孔洞其皺褶與模態探討 70
4-1-1孔洞鬆弛區域討論 70
4-1-2薄膜皺褶生長機制 72
4-1-3皺褶長度與分布 74
4-2 直列兩孔洞與橫列兩孔洞討論 76
4-2-1 直列兩孔洞皺褶與模態探討 76
4-2-2橫列兩孔洞皺褶與模態探討 78
4-3 三類型孔洞相互比較 81
第五章 結論 96
參考文獻 97
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