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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Thermal Interface Material in High-performance Flip Chip Ball Grid Array package on Heat Transfer Efficiency
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hwa R.Jen
外文關鍵詞:multi-point measurementthermal resistanceHFCBGATaguchiHTST
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本文可以分成幾個部分:第一部份是透過熱傳導分析儀量測熱界面材料之熱傳導係數,接者機台校正後藉由多點換線量測不同位置的晶片溫度與金屬表面溫度,兩者之值與功率計算得到熱阻值ΘJC 。第二部分則是以實驗熱阻值與C-SAT掃描圖中的孔洞、脫層及熱界面材料分布位置為依據,使用FloTHERM熱傳分析軟體模擬各個位置的溫度,進而計算模擬熱阻,吻合並藉此建立本實驗數值模擬中的驗證模型。第三部分為以C-SAT掃描圖與驗證模型預測可靠度實驗-高溫儲存試驗(HTST)後200、500週期試片其各別之熱阻值,最後以熱阻實驗比對驗證。最後的部分以田口法與變異數分析,針對此封裝體之熱阻值ΘJC做最佳化分析,未來可以此為依據設計產品。
得到的數據確認本研究的實驗與模擬最高熱阻值誤差可達到5%以下,驗證後之模型可以再次使用在此相同結構之封裝體熱傳分析。田口法之最佳化分析,從散熱路徑上選出8個因子,並以L18(21×37)直交表配置因子模擬分析,搭配變異數分析ANOVA(ANalysis Of VAriance)結果顯示較高的晶片上熱界面材料之熱傳導係數、較大的晶片尺寸及較薄的晶片上熱界面材料厚度可較有效減少熱阻值ΘJC以提高HFCBGA封裝結構之散熱能力。最後透過最佳化設計後可使得封裝體的熱阻小於產品標準。期望本文可提供學術與產業界對於熱界面材料與HFCBGA封裝體熱傳能力之關係有更進一步的了解與分析方向。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the heat transfer ability of high-performance flip-chip ball grid array (HFCBGA) package. In this work, the value of junction-to-case thermal resistance (θJC) is the important index to judge thermal performance. In electronic package, thermal interface material(TIM) always plays an important role in thermal capability, and its thermal conductivity, thickness and coverage will be the dominant factors on heat transfer efficiency. Another objective is to make sure the value of thermal resistance lower than that of product standard.
This study can be divided into four parts:First of all, thermal conductivity of TIM was measured, then the different junction temperature and case temperature from different positions using multi-point measurement method after calibration were measured later. With the value of temperature and power, the θJC were calculated. Second part was to building a verified model using FloTHERM solfware to simulate the temperature of each position on chip according to the experimental value of θJC and voids、delamination and distribution of TIM in image of C-SAT. Third part is to focus on test samples after HTST for 200 and 500 cycles, both of the experimental θJC values of the samples should be close to simulated values by the verified model. Finally, Taguchi method and ANOVA were adopted to analyze each factor of θJC to obtain the possibly best design.
The deviation between measurement and simulation on the highest value of θJC was lower than 5%. Taguchi method L18(21×37) orthogonal array was used to simulate each combination with 8 factors, then using ANOVA to find out that the higher thermal conductivity of die-attach, larger die size and thinner die-attach were the efficient ways to make HFCBGA package of better thermal performance.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 封裝簡介 2
1-3 研究動機 3
1-4 文獻回顧 4
1-5 組織與章節 6
第二章 理論基礎 11
2-1 熱傳定義 11
2-2 熱阻基本定義 13
2-2-1 熱阻 θJA 14
2-2-2 熱阻 θJB 14
2-2-3 熱阻 θJC 15
2-2-4 接觸熱阻 16
2-3 田口實驗設計方法 16
2-3-1 田口方法介紹 16
2-3-2 變異數分析 17
第三章 實驗熱阻量測 21
3-1 測試試片 21
3-2 實驗方法與流程 21
3-2-1熱傳導係數量測 21
3-2-2 HFCBGA試片熱阻量測 22
3-2-3 HFCBGA試片校正 24
第四章 數值模擬分析 43
4-1 FloTHERM軟體簡介 44
4-2數值模型建立 45
4-2-1 HFCBGA模型結構 45
4-2-2 邊界條件 45
4-3模擬與實驗變因修正 46
4-4分析流程與參數規劃 47
4-4-1 目標函數選定 47
4-4-2 控制因子與水準數 47
4-4-3 訂定田口直交表 49
第五章 實驗量測與數值模擬結果 57
5-1 HFCBGA實驗量測結果 57
5-2 HFCBGA數值模擬結果 57
5-3田口方法結果分析統合 58
第六章 結果分析與討論 69
6-1 實驗與模擬結果差異分析 69
6-2田口方法與變異數結果分析統合 72
6-3 最佳控制因子對於熱傳之影響-最佳化設計 73
第七章 結論 79
參考文獻 81
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