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研究生(外文):Yung Ming Lu
論文名稱(外文):Flow Field and Heat Transfer Characteristics Analysis of Water Spray through a Single Micro-nozzle Plate
指導教授(外文):Shou-Shing HsiehChi-Hui Chien
外文關鍵詞:single micro-nozzleμPIVfluorescenceITOatomization piezoelectric plateμLIFIPI
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本實驗主要探討35μm孔徑的超音波單孔霧化片在ITO透明加熱板上進行冷卻,觀察液滴在不同初始溫度下的飛行狀態及接觸加熱板時的現象。所使用的工作流體為去離子水,主要參數為加熱板初始溫度(Tin=25、50、100、150、200 oC)及噴霧距離(H=10、20、30mm),透過微質點影像測速儀(μPIV)和全像干涉粒徑分析儀(IPI)進行噴霧流場拍攝與分析,分析液滴流場的速度分佈及粒徑變化情形,接著再利用雷射誘發微螢光系統(μLIF)來量測溫度場之變化,螢光染劑為Rhodamine B,濃度為1.5×10-4 M。最後,討論不同板溫及噴霧高度下的流況變化以及物理現象,以得到最佳的CHF。
In this study, we investigated the spray cooling effect with a 35μm diameter of single micro-nozzle, atomization piezoelectric plate, on the ITO heating plate, and observed the phenomenon of water droplets during flying with different initial surface temperature (Tin = 25, 70, 110, 150 and 200 oC) and spray hight (H = 10, 20 and 30mm). Through the micro-particle image velocimeter (μPIV) and interferometric particle imaging (IPI), we can catch the droplets velocity distribution and particle size evolutional, and then the planar laser-induced fluorescence (μLIF) with Rhodamine B in a concentration of 1.5 × 10-4 M as a fluorescent dye can show the temperature change of liquid film. Finally, the change of flow field and physical phenomena at different plate temperatures and spray heights are discussed to obtain the best CHF.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Contents v
1-1 Introduction remarks 1
1-2 Background 1
1-3 Literature review 3
1-4 Research purpose 19
2-1 Micrometer resolution particle image velocimetry 21
2-2 Supersonic micro nozzle piezoelectric plate 23
2-3 ITO heating plate 23
2-4 Data acquisition system 24
2-5 Other experimental equipment 25
3-1 ITO transparent heating plate 35
3-2 Spray cooling system 35
3-3 Optical measurement system 36
3-4 Experimental method 40
3-5 Experimental process 41
4-1 Sauter mean diameter (d32) 48
4-2 The definition of Weber number (We) 49
4-3 The definition of Nuseelt number (Nu) 49
4-4 Calculation of the volume flux (Qi) 49
6-1 Flow field of single micro-nozzle plate 55
6-2 μIPI droplets in single micro-nozzle plate 57
6-3 μLIF temperature field 58
7-1 Conclusions 85
7-2 Recommendations and Suggestions 86
References 87
Appendix A 96
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