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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Heat transfer Enhancement in Microchannels with Roughened Surfaces
指導教授(外文):Shou-Shing HsiehChi-Hui Chien
外文關鍵詞:heat transfer enhancementsquare micro-pin finmicrostructured roughened surfacemicro-channels
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在微渠道內加入微結構阻塊並以週期排列,來探討微結構的幾何形狀對其熱場的影響,並以平行交排列的方式從中找到最佳提升熱傳增強的相關設計參數。藉由實驗所得知結果發現在微 渠道中加入微結構阻塊確實能提升熱傳能力,而熱傳量提升效率由大到小分別為 方形、橢圓、圓形、六邊形以及三角形的微形結構阻塊 ,其中方形阻塊的熱傳 增強至 7-8%。而從實驗中可得知在低雷諾數下其微渠道的熱傳增強主要以熱傳 導為主,所以經由熱對流在阻塊所造成的熱傳增強效益並不顯著。
The main task of study to two parts: Adding to the micro-structure in micro-channels investigates geometry of the micro-pin fins, and making use of the periodic arrangement in parallel .With this to results, one can effectively enhance the heat transfer rate of system, and find a suitable roughened surface to enhance the heat transfer rate. The present study shows that the addition of microstructured roughened surface in microchannels can improve the heat transfer performance, in which the heat transfer rate superiority can be found in a descending order such as square, elliptical, circular, hexagonal and triangular structural block. It is found that the heat transfer enhancement of the square micro pin fin is up to 7-8 %. Furthermore, it was also found that the heat transfer enhancement of the microchannel in the low Reynolds number of the study is mainly due to heat conduction. Therefore, the effect of the convective enhancement due to the present surface roughness / block seems insignificant.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
List of Figure vii
List of Table ix
1.1 Literature review 3
1.1.1 Single-Phase Liquid Flow Historical Development Timeline—Single-Phase Liquid Flow 6
1.1.2 Historical Perspective—Single-Phase Liquid Flow. 7
1.1.3 Roughness Effect 10
1.2 The objective of this study 13
1.3 Thesis scope 15
2.1 Equipment of micro-channel fabrication 19
2.2 The related experimental equipment 22
3.1 Process of microchannel fabrication 27
3.2 Heating system 31
3.3 Single-Phase Flow Loop and Test section for Temperature Measurement 32
4.1 The theoretical analysis of temperature filed 40
4.1.1 Heat transfer 40
6-1 Local heat transfer coefficient distribution 51
6-2 Average single-phase Heat transfer Coefficient 51
6-3 Heat transfer Enhancement Ratio 52
7-1 Conclusion 59
7-2 Recommendation 60
References: 61
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