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研究生(外文):Yi-Long Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study on Axial Magnetic Anti-breaking Transmission Device
指導教授(外文):Chiou, Yuang-CherngLee, Rong-Tsong
外文關鍵詞:transmission efficiencytorquemagnetic couplingmagnetic forceanti-breaking shaft
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The purpose of this study is to design and manufacture a kind of anti-breaking shaft type machining device. It utilizes axial face-to-face type rotary magnetic components to transmit power. The transmission efficiency of the device is greater than 90%. The driving power unit is connected to the magnet plate of driving shaft. Within the distance of magnetic force, the driving power will be transmitted from the magnet plate of driving shaft to the magnet plate of driven shaft so that the machined end of the driven shaft may transmit the machining power. When a machining resistance is greater than the machining power, it will cause a sliding movement and magnetic trip between the magnet plate of driven shaft and the magnet plate of driving shaft and thus reduce the rotation speed of the driven shaft. After receiving a signal of reduced rotation speed from the driven shaft, the monitoring unit will send a control signal to stop the running of the driving shaft and prevent breakage of shaft during the machining process. Due to no contact, this device has less vibration and is able to reduce chatter and turning tool wear. This device can be used in all machine tools.
Another purpose of this study is to design two test rig for measuring the axial magnetic force and transmission torque of a magnetic anti-breaking shaft type machining device. Moreover, using the finite element method (FEM) illustrates the characteristics of the novel magnetic processing equipment and then we compare simulation results with experimental values. The results reveal that when FEM was used to analyze the correlations among the axial magnetic force, torque, slip angle and pole distance, the maximum error between the simulation value and the experimental value was within 10%. The magnetic coupling designed for this research has a transmission efficiency above 90%. For the same magnetic pole gap, the greater the external torque is, the greater the slip angle is, the higher the transmission efficiency is. When a machining resistance is greater than the maximum torque of magnetic coupling, this device will cause slippage and magnetic trip. Therefore, this device can prevent breakage of shaft during the machining process and protect the precision equipment. The maximum torque of magnetic coupling must be prior estimated. The maximum shear stress must be less than the yielding shear stress of the machining tool material. Furthermore, this device can promote the machining quality because of reducing vibration and keep magnetic rigidity.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 xii
符號說明 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 磁滯現象 10
1.4 永磁體介紹 12
1.5研究動機 14
1.6 論文架構 14
第二章 磁性聯軸器之特性與理論分析 15
2.1 傳統聯軸器之種類 15
2.2 傳統聯軸器的缺陷 20
2.3磁性聯軸器的種類 21
2.4 磁性聯軸器之優缺點 22
2.5 理論分析 24
第三章 實驗設備與程序 36
3.1實驗設備 36
3.1.1 扇形磁鐵之表面磁通密度 39
3.1.2 實驗流程圖 42
3.2 實驗與檢測設備 44
3.2.1 扭矩量測 43
3.2.2 鑽孔實驗 48
3.2.3 破斷實驗 52
3.3軟體執行步驟 57
第四章 結果與討論 60
4.1 模擬與實驗值比較 61
4.2 扭力限制範圍 85
4.3 加工品質與表面粗糙度 88
4.3.1 鑽孔參數 88
4.3.2 表面粗糙度 88
第五章 結論與未來展望 98
5.1 結論 98
5.2 未來展望 100
參考文獻 101
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