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研究生(外文):Chieh Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Tri-axis Positioning Stage Using Microstepping Piezoelectric Actuators
指導教授(外文):Yu-Jen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Tri-axis positioning stageEquation of motionPiezoelectric actuator
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現今為一個正在將工業4. 0進行普及化的年代,在產品的生產線上,逐漸減少對人力的浪費是必要的趨勢,以機器人代替勞動者枯燥乏味的工作內容,並同時能達到更高的生產效率。對於生產微型至小型產品的組裝,只使用人力資源更是容易發生組裝品質不佳與效率較低的問題產生,故本論文研究一擁有高精度及高效率的陣列式組裝平台針對以上所述產品的開發給予幫助。
最後完成之三軸向定位平台在實際使用時搭配擁有0.1 μm精度之雷射位移計作為第二位移感測器,與高精度之荷重元作為力量感測器,經實驗結果顯示本研究之壓電致動器在工作佔空比為8 %時平移方向擁有最高1 μm、旋轉方向0.000016°之步進能力,且最大行程可達到8 mm;出力大小在線性方向擁有最大1,853.5 mN的出力大小及旋轉方向最大189 gf∙cm的扭力,其旋轉角度的範圍不受限制;而定位能力在0.1 mm下之重複精度為0.92 μm。
The replacement of human with robots not only reduces the requirement of manpower, but also achieves higher productivity. With mere manpower, lousy assembly quality and low efficiency issues easily occur when manufacturing small or even micro-size products. Thus, the research intends to develop an array type assembly platform, possessing high accuracy and high efficiency, to facilitate the production.
The tri-axis positioning stage using microstepping piezoelectric actuators proposed by this work will be applied to the miniature parts assembly platform. The compacted piezoelectric actuator possesses with micro stepping, rapid response and low power consumption, less components ability. Then, integrated with bi-axis positioning mechanism and rotation mechanism with high linearity and stability to achieve positioning. Moreover the optical encoder combined with the embedded system are applied as the position sensing module. The thesis begins with the selection of piezoelectric actuators. To completely understand the motion behavior of the actuator, the equation of motion is derived and serves as the foundation to optimize basic structural parameters. The microcontroller drives the piezoelectric actuator to its targeted position on the basis of the feedback data from the optical encoder
With the aid of a laser displacement meter featuring a resolution of 0.1 μm, and a load cell for force sensing, the tri-axis positioning stage provides a stepping resolution of 1 μm with the duty ratio of 8%, and a rotation resolution of 0.000016°, meanwhile the repeat accuracy of 0.92 μm is possessed. The total traveling distance in the linear direction is 8 mm, and the rotation motion is unlimited. Moreover the output force of 1,853.5 mN and the torque of 189 gf·cm were measured in the experiment.
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
目錄 vii
圖次 ix
表次 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 壓電致動器介紹 2
1.2.2 定位平台介紹 9
1.3 研究動機 13
1.4 本文架構 14
第二章 三軸向定位平台設計 15
2.1 三軸向定位平台機構設計 15
2.1.1 雙軸向壓電定位平台機構設計 16
2.1.2 旋轉壓電定位平台機構設計 21
2.2 定位系統架設 24
第三章 摩擦驅動之步進式壓電致動器研究 28
3.1 壓電致動器基本架構 28
3.2摩擦驅動之步進式壓電致動器運動方程式 30
3.3運動方程式之動態分析 48
3.3.1 壓電致動器側壁軌跡模擬 48
3.3.2 以MATLAB計算壓電致動器運動方程式 52
第四章 驅動與定位控制系統建立 64
4.1驅動與定位控制電路介紹 65
4.2 控制系統架設 66
第五章 三軸向定位平台之實驗量測 71
5.1實驗架設 71
5.2壓電致動器驅動能力量測 72
5.3定位能力量測 74
第六章 結論與未來展望 78
6.1結論 78
6.2未來展望 79
參考文獻 80
附錄 83
附件1-MATLAB計算壓電致動器運動方程式編碼 83
附件2-STM32程式編碼 94
附件3-驅動控制系統電路圖 120
附件4-定位控制系統電路圖 121
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