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研究生(外文):Ming-chun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Spider Silk for Energy Harvester
指導教授(外文):Chi-Hui ChienCheng-Tang Pan
外文關鍵詞:Spider silkNature protein fiberPiezoelectricityEnergy havester
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本研究主要目的在以台灣當地人面蜘蛛(Nephila pilipes)所產的曳絲纖維(dragline)證實蛛絲纖維之壓電特性。首先以電子顯微鏡觀察蜘蛛纖維的線徑和表面形貌,說明了其光滑的特性;再透過微拉伸試驗和奈米壓痕測試調查蜘蛛絲纖維的機械性質,實驗結果測得蜘蛛纖維的彈性模數介於5-7 GPa,破壞強度介於510 ~ 850 MPa,拉伸率介於20 ~ 25 %,顯示蜘蛛絲擁有良好的機械強度和延展性。電性測試則使用4 Hz固定頻率拍打器施予蜘蛛纖維固定的形變,電壓訊號的輸出證實了蜘蛛纖維的正壓電效應;逆壓電測試證實當給予外加的交流電場會導致纖維的跳動,符合逆壓電效應的特徵也證實了蜘蛛絲纖維具有壓電特性。接著對蜘蛛纖維加上定壓電場進行再極化的實驗,電性測試後發現輸出訊號有明顯提升的現象,電壓訊號從13.4 mV 提升至40.7 mV,電流訊號從70.6 nA 提升至105 nA,判斷是因為輸入高壓電場使材料內部結構更具方向性之故。阻抗匹配是當負載電阻跟壓電纖維的內阻相等時,可獲得最大之輸出功率。未極化蜘蛛絲能量擷取裝置在並聯4.7 MΩ 的電阻時可產生最大的輸出功率24.93 pW;極化蜘蛛絲能量擷取裝置在並聯8.2 MΩ 的電阻時可產生最大的輸出功率59.5 pW。以FTIR測試分析再極化與未極化的蜘蛛纖維,發現蜘蛛纖維極化後的二級結構其α-螺旋和β-摺版含量會提升,說明了加入電場極化確實會使蜘蛛絲纖維材料更具方向性。本研究提出了天然蜘蛛纖維具有壓電特性的想法,並經由一系列實驗觀察證實蜘蛛纖維確具有壓電效應,期待能對蜘蛛纖維發展更多新的應用。
In this study, the piezoelectric properties of spider silk (dragline) produced by Taiwan local spider (Nephila pilipes) was confirmed. Firstly, electron microscopy was used to observe the surface morphology and diameter of spider silk, in order to describing its smooth characteristic. Then the mechanical properties of spider silk were investigated by micro-tensile test and nano-indentation test. The results showed that the elastic modulus of spider silk was between 5 and 7 GPa, the strength ranged from 510 to 850 MPa, and the extensibility was between 20-25%. It can be concluded that spider silk has good mechanical strength and ductility. The positive piezoelectric effect test was performed by using a 4 Hz beater to apply a fixed deformation on the spider silk, and the output of the voltage signal confirmed the positive piezoelectric effect of the spider silk. The converse piezoelectric test confirmed that when an alternating electric field was given, it can cause the silk to be deformed which proved that the spider silk has piezoelectric properties. By polarizing the spider’s silk, the output values of peak voltage and peak current showed significantly improved. The peak voltage value rose up from 13.4 mV to 46.7 mV, and the peak current value rose up from 70.6 nA to 105 nA. These results were caused from the high voltage electric field made the internal structure of the material more directional. Impedance matching test was to obtain the maximum output power when the load resistance equals to the internal resistance. The energy harvester made from non-polarized spider silk can produce a maximum output power of 24.93 pW when it was in parallel with 4.7 MΩ resistor, yet the energy harvester made from polarized spider silk can produce a maximum output power of 59.5 pW when it was in parallel with 8.2 MΩ resistor. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) test indicated that the additional electric field does make spider’s silk more directional in structure. By analyzing polarized and non-polarized spider silk, it can be found that the secondary structure of α-helix and β-sheet in spider silk were increased after polarized.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究背景與動機 1
1-3研究目的 2
1-4研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 壓電效應 4
2-1-2 逆壓電效應 5
2-1-3 電場極化過程 6
2-1-4 壓電纖維操作模式 6
2-2 蛋白質 7
2-2-1 胺基酸 7
2-2-2 蛋白質結構 11
2-2-3 氫鍵 11
2-3 蜘蛛絲纖維 13
2-3-1 蜘蛛絲成份 14
2-3-2 蜘蛛吐絲機制 16
2-3-3 蜘蛛絲纖維應用 18
第三章 實驗方法與設備 19
3-1 蜘蛛取絲過程 20
3-2 材料特性量測設備 23
3-2-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 23
3-2-2 鍍金機 25
3-2-3 微型機性測試機 27
3-2-4 奈米壓痕測試機 29
3-2-5 傅利葉紅外線光譜儀(FTIR) 32
3-3 電性量測設備 35
3-3-1 電壓量測儀 35
3-3-2 微電流量測儀 35
3-3-3 應變規 36
3-3-4 橋接模組 38
3-3-5 USB 資料擷取模組(DAQ) 40
3-3-6 雷射切割加工機 41
3-3-7 電性量測設備架設 42
3-4 逆壓電測試設備 45
3-5 蜘蛛絲再極化 48
第四章 結果討論 49
4-1 蜘蛛絲表面形貌(SEM) 49
4-2 蜘蛛絲機械強度測試 50
4-2-1 蜘蛛絲微拉伸試驗(Micro-tensile test) 51
4-2-2 蜘蛛絲奈米壓痕測試(Nano-indenter test) 53
4-3 蜘蛛絲電性量測 55
4-4 蜘蛛絲逆壓電效應測試 59
4-5 蜘蛛絲以傅利葉轉換紅外線光譜量測(FTIR) 61
第五章 結論 65
5-1 結論 65
5-2 未來展望 66
文獻回顧 67
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