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研究生(外文):Che-Cheng Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Optimized Design of Three-axis Dynamometer Structure
指導教授(外文):Lee, Rong-TsongChiou, Yuang-Cherng
外文關鍵詞:dynamometeroptimizationload cell
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本研究之目的為設計一種動力計並量測動力計結構受10 N負荷時,期望其變形量在0.5 ~ 1 μm之內為目標。本研究係以SolidWorks建模並匯入模型至ANSYS分析軟體進行位移分析及進行干擾度的預估。以靜態施加負荷的方式進行實驗,並將所量測位移與ANSYS數值分析值進行比較。此外,以敲擊的方式對動力計進行性能檢測,以得到動力計結構之動態剛性及阻尼。對動力計進行高速主軸干擾檢測,其可找出較小干擾之轉速範圍,其有利於將來切割時,動力計量測之精確度。藉由ANSYS進行位移分析並與實際量測值進行比較以達到設計目標。搭配最小干擾高速主軸之最佳轉速,得到具有高精度動力計之最佳化設計。
本研究分別使用1 mm與2 mm溝槽厚度的上板並結合7 mm方形柱之動力計結構進行實驗。其結果顯示,在靜態施加負荷實驗中,1 mm溝槽厚度的上板結合7 mm方形柱之動力計結構各方向之干擾均較小。而在敲擊實驗中顯示兩組動力計結構之動態剛性差異不大。而在高速主軸干擾實驗中發現在35000 rpm後,1 mm溝槽厚度之動力計結構所受之干擾略大於2 mm溝槽厚度之動力計結構。整體而言,1 mm溝槽厚度之動力計結構具有較佳之性能。
The purpose of this study is to design a kind of dynamometer and to measure the deformation in the range between 0.5 and 1 μm for the structure of dynamometer under a load of 10 N. The model is created by SolidWorks and imports this model into ANSYS software for the displacement analysis and the interference prediction. The experiment is carried out under a static load and the measured displacement is compared with the ANSYS numerical ones. In addition, the dynamic stiffness and damping of dynamometer structure is obtained using a beating test. The dynamometer is conducted out the interference detection of high-speed spindle to find a smaller interference range of the rotational speed, and to improve its precision accuracy. The displacement analyses using ANSYS software are compared with experimental values to achieve the goals of design. Using the rotational speed of spindle with minimum interference, it hopes to obtain the optimal design of dynamometer with high precision accuracy.
In this study, experiments are carried out using 7 mm square pillars and the upper plate with the groove thicknesses of 1 mm and 2 mm, respectively. Results show that the interference of the dynamometer structure with the groove thickness of 1 mm is smaller at all directions in the static load test. In the beating experiment, it shows that the dynamic stiffness of dynamometer structure is almost the same. In the high-speed spindle interference experiment, the interference for the dynamometer structure with the groove thickness of 1 mm is slightly greater than that 2 mm after 35000 rpm. Overall, the dynamometer structure with the groove thickness of 1 mm has a better performance.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究動機與目的 11
第二章 機台設計與實驗方法 12
2.1 三軸動力計之結構設計 14
2.1.1 動力計量測原理 17
2.2 晶圓切割設備 20
2.2.1 高速主軸與進給裝置 21
2.2.2 工件進給裝置 23
2.2.3 模擬靜態之切割力校正實驗裝置 23
2.3 敲擊之振動實驗 26
2.3.1 單自由度振動系統 26
第三章 數值分析與實驗結果與討論 30
3.1 數值分析 30
3.1.1 初步分析 30
3.1.2 動力計結構分析 44
3.1.3 不同規格動力計結構設計 51
3.2 負荷計初始校正實驗 58
3.3 模擬靜態之切割力校正實驗 64
3.3.1 單向負荷之電壓校正曲線 65
3.4 ANSYS數值分析與實驗值之比較 73
3.5 敲擊之振動實驗 79
3.6 高速主軸轉速之干擾檢測 94
第四章 結論與未來展望 103
4.1 結論 103
4.2 未來展望 104
參考文獻 105
附錄 107
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