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研究生(外文):Pei-yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of isobutanol-jatropha biodiesel blend of emulsion on carbony compounds characteristics in a heavy-duty diesel engine
指導教授(外文):Kang-Shin Chen
外文關鍵詞:diesel engineisobutanolemulsified oilozone formation potentialaldehydes and ketones
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醛酮污染物排放方面,使用柴油為燃料時,總醛酮類化合物排放濃度為7169μg/m3、排放係數為26.73 mg/kW-hr,隨著異丁醇添加比例(0–10%)增加,含水率為10%之乳化油排放濃度為3075增加至5014μg/m3,排放係數為11.47增加至18.70 mg/kW-hr;含水率為20%之乳化油,排放濃度為4361增加至5549μg/m3,排放係數為16.26增加至20.69 mg/kW-hr。顯示異丁醇與含水量的增加會造成醛酮污染物的排放量上升,組成百分比以甲醛、乙醛、丙醛、丙烯醛為主要物種。
臭氧生成潛勢評估上,燃料為柴油時總OFP值為56018.42μg-O3¬/ m3,含水率為10%之乳化油不同異丁醇比例(0%–10%),總OFP值為24273.68–38529.27μg-O3-/ m3;含水率為20%時,總OFP依序為33346.00–42637.12μg-O3¬/ m3。表明乳化油對於臭氧生成潛勢上有顯著的幫助。
In this study the nano-emulsified oil with the addition of isobutanol (0–10%) is mixed with a small amount of biomass diesel to serve as the fuel, while the viscosity and particle size distribution of emulsified oil are analyzed. The variation trends of conventional pollutant and granular pollutant are observed inside a diesel engine. The 18 kinds of aldehyde and ketone compounds emitted by the engine are sampled and investigated to understand the impacts of emulsified oil on engine performance and the ozone formation potential.
In terms of the properties of emulsified fuel, the nano-grade emulsified oil prepared by phase inversion method has particle size of 0.88–41.95nm, and viscosity of 4.94–5.81cst. The viscosity increases with the increasing ratio of biomass diesel and surfactant added in the emulsified oil.
As for the result of emission of conventional pollutants, a rising trend of CO is observed due to the impacts of lower cetane number and water content in the emulsified oil, while there is a declining trend of NO¬X due to the temperature decrease caused by water content. The emission of PM2.5 is reduced due to impact of microburst phenomenon. As for the engine performance corresponding to the mixed fuel with the addition of different isobutanol, the actuation unit consumes a rather significant amount of oil, and there is a declining trend of actuation thermal efficiency.
As for the emission of aldehyde and ketone pollutants, when diesel is used as the fuel, the total aldehyde and ketone emission concentration is 7169μg/m3 with emission factor of 26.73mg/kW-hr. Along with the increasing ratio of isobutanol additive (0–10%), the emission concentration of emulsified oil with water content of 10% is increased from 3075 to 5014μg/m3, and the emission factor is increased from 11.47 to 18.70mg/kW-hr. For the emulsified oil with water content of 20%, the emission concentration is increased from 4361 to 5549μg/m3, with the emission factor increased from 16.26 to 20.69mg/kW-hr. These results indicate that the increase of isobutanol and water content result in increased emission of aldehyde and ketone pollutants, which are mainly formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, and acrolein.
As for the assessment of ozone formation potential (OFP), the total OFP value with diesel fuel is 56018.42μg-O3¬/ m3. For the emulsified oil with water content of 10% and with different isobutanol ratios (0%–10%), the total OFP values are in the range of 24273.68–38529.27μg-O3¬/ m3; when the water content is 20%, the total OFP values are in the range of 33346.00–42637.12μg-O3¬/ m3. These imply that emulsified oil can significantly contribute to the ozone formation potential.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目標 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 能源概論 5
2.1.1現今能源概況 5
2.1.2生質柴油概述 7
2.1.3痲瘋樹油 10
2.2乳化技術 12
2.2.1乳化生質柴油特性 12
2.2.2奈米乳化油 13
2.2.3乳化不穩定現象 14
2.2.4界面活性劑介紹 15
2.2.5乳化液製備方式 17
2.2.6異丁醇特性 19
2.3柴油引擎及污染物特性 21
2.3.1柴油引擎介紹 21
2.3.2柴油引擎作用原理 22
2.3.3影響引擎之排放因素 24
2.3.4傳統污染物排放特徵及危害 28
2.4醛酮化合物 30
2.4.1醛酮化合物特性 30
2.4.2醛酮化合物之來源 33
2.4.3醛酮化合物前驅物質之臭氧生成潛勢 33
2.4.4醛酮化合物分布與毒性特徵 34
第三章 研究方法與步驟 38
3.1研究架構與流程 38
3.2實驗規劃 39
3.2.1奈米乳化製備方法 39
3.2.2添加之異丁醇之比例 39
3.2.3柴油引擎採樣規劃 39
3.3油品燃料與分析 40
3.3.1痲瘋樹油生質柴油 40
3.3.2超級柴油 40
3.3.3介面活性劑 41
3.3.4電磁攪拌機: 42
3.3.5黏度計: 43
3.3.6動態光散射粒徑分析儀及界面電位分析儀(Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer) 43
3.4採樣與分析方法 45
3.4.1柴油引擎發電機 45
3.4.2傳統污染物採樣方法 46
3.4.3懸浮微粒採樣與分析: 47
3.4.4醛酮類化合物採樣方法與設備 48
3.4.5Carbonyls採樣 51
3.5樣品分析 51
3.6分析設備及程序 52
第四章 結果與討論 53
4.1乳化油特性分析 53
4.1.1乳化油的黏度 53
4.1.2乳化油的粒徑 54
4.2乳化油對於引擎性能之探討 57
4.2.1制動單位燃料消耗 57
4.2.2制動熱效率: 59
4.3乳化油與異丁醇之混合物對柴油引擎污染排放之特徵 61
4.3.1乳化油與異丁醇之混合物對於一氧化碳(CO)排放之影響 61
4.3.2乳化油與異丁醇之混合物對於氮氧化物(NOX)排放之影響 64
4.3.3乳化油與異丁醇之混合物對於細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)排放之影響 67
4.4乳化油與異丁醇之混合物對於醛酮化合物之影響 70
4.4.1醛酮類化合物之排放濃度與排放因子 70
4.4.2醛酮類化合物組成比例分析 75
4.4.3乳化油對醛酮類化合物各物種之影響 78
4.4.4乳化油混合異丁醇對醛酮化合物臭氧生成潛勢之影響 102
第五章 結論與建議 104
5.1結論 104
5.2建議 106
參考文獻 107
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