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研究生(外文):YI-YEN CHEN
論文名稱(外文):Study on the bio-sludge reduction in an organic wastewater treatment plant by using an agent containing specific microorganisms.
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現場試驗處理流量2000-3000 m3/day、COD為2,500-3,000 mg/L、BOD為1,250-1,500 mg/L、pH為7之啤酒製造廢水,於活性污泥池加入BioAmp生物製劑(年總費用80萬)。結果顯示:污泥年產生量由未使用生物製劑之3,100噸,降為使用生物製劑之1,800噸,年污泥減量約42%。以每噸污泥處理費新台幣2,500元計,年省污泥處理費325萬,扣除生物製劑費用80萬,年省費用245萬。另外,污泥凝聚劑PAC (每公斤3元)使用費用由44減至27萬,減少17萬;活性污泥曝氣槽(4,600 m3)鼓風機馬力由500 Hp (250 Hp/台×2台)減為250 Hp(1台),年總操作電費由757減至676萬,減少81萬。以上合計減少343萬,以每日廢水2500噸、每年操作300日計,每噸廢水處理費降低4.57元。
Sludge is by-product of wastewater treatment process, including settling sludge, excess activated sludge and mixed sludge. There’s traditional way of sludge treatment and disposal methods, on the other hand, a serial of new revolution methods get introduced, can be consider three way of doing this job, like reduce organic waste from the beginning, pretreatment and sludge recycling or utilization. The principle for sludge treatment should mainly focus on reduction, and recycling should be an add-on. Using this reduction technology should not cause any trouble for daily waste water treatment process. Even waste water treatment plant can use new technology to reduce waste from the beginning, but still produced lots of excess activated sludge every year. After pretreatment, the sludge volume is extremely tremendous.

In this study, we will focus on analyzing the result of consistency dosing bacteria into the organic wastewater treatment for brewery plant.

Field test, daily average flow of 2000-3000 m3 / day, COD of 2,500-3,000 mg / L, BOD of 1,250-1,500 mg / L, pH of 7 before the waste water get into to process plant, dosing the BioAmp active bacteria into aeration tank (Cost NT$800,000). Result shows that the annual production of sludge reduced from 3,100 tons to 1,800 tons. The reduction rate is about 42%, according to sludge disposal fee for NT 2,500 per ton, the annual saving for sludge reduction will be 3.25 million, deduct the cost of BioAmp NT$ 800,000, and the real annual saving cost will be 2.45 million. In addition, the sludge coagulation chemical PAC (NT $3 per kg) cut down from 44 to 27 million, reduced by 17 million; activated sludge aeration tank (4,600 m3) blower horsepower supposed operated 500 Hp (250 Hp x2) and after BioAmp treatment cut down to only 250 Hp, the total annual operating electricity reduced from 7.57 to 6.76 million, annual electricity saving NT$ 810,000. Include all the saving, it’s about 3.43 million per year. Calculated by average 2,500 tons of daily wastewater, 300 operation days, the cost of waste water will drop NT$ 4.57 per ton.

Dosing the BipAmp active bacteria into aeration will help to remove COD, and also no need (or less) to waste the active sludge from the system to achieve the sludge reduction.
第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章、文獻回顧 2
2.1 污泥來源與分類 2
2.2 污泥種類 2
2.3 污泥特性 3
2.4 污泥源頭減量的設計方法比較 4
2.5 生物污泥性質 8
2.6 污泥產量 9
2.7 生物應用於廢水處理的特性 11
2.7.1 解偶聯代謝 12
2.7.2 溶胞隱性生長 13
2.7.3 維持代謝 13
2.7.4 生物補食 13
2.8 現場自動化培菌設備的應用 14
2.9 生物代謝作用 17
2.10 消化 21
2.10.1 厭氧消化 21
2.10.2 好氧消化 26
第三章、研究方法 30
3.1 研究架構 30
3.2 實驗室研究方法 31
3.3 研究場址概況 32
3.3.1廢水主要來源 32
3.3.2廢水特性 32
3.3.3啤酒廠廢水處理流程及水質現況 33
3.3.4 現場連續式添加生物製劑於生物曝氣池 35
3.4 分析方法 36
第四章、結果與討論 37
4.1 實驗室試驗結果 37
4.1.1 豐年豐和試驗(Plant A) 37
4.1.2 統一試驗(Plant B) 41
4.2 啤酒廢水處理現場試驗(Plant C) 44
4.2.1 污泥減量 44
4.2.2 化學凝聚劑 46
4.2.3 電量減量 48
4.2.4 成本比較 49
第五章、結論與建議 50
5.1 結論 50
5.2 建議 52
參考文獻 53
附件一 分析數據 56
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38.Additional literature sources
39.Independent study at Glamorgan University - An Investigation of Bio-Amplified Aerobic Microbes on Lignocellullosic Degradation, Independent study by Stover Laboratories- Enhanced Nitrification/Denitrification.
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