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研究生(外文):Yi-Cheng Kung
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Consumption Behavior for Running Sports Participants in Mainland China
指導教授(外文):Wu Chi ChengWu Si Zong
外文關鍵詞:4P TheoryMarketing MixRunning SportsConsumption Behavior
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:282
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Running as sports industry in China is a kind of specific practices under national development strategy, running participants have already formed a considerable consumption power. Carding related theoretical basis in this research and the Marketing mix 4P, the research sum up the consuming behavior characteristics and preferences of running participants, and make competitive and creative marketing strategy on the basis to provide the reference with enterprise or investors. This research analyze consuming behavior of the participants from product, price, place and channel, promotion and conclude important characteristics of each level.
This research find that many factors, including degree of engagement, way of touching and acquiring to relevant market information, preference of advertising representative and supplementary APP to athletics, determine consuming behavior characteristics of the participants at the product level. While perspective of individual power to consume and purchasing desire are important from the price side to analyze characteristic of the participants'' consumption behavior. All of consumption channel selectivity, additional experience in consumer place, running site are important points of the research to analyze consuming behavior characteristics of those participants. In addition, if according to the analysis of the promotion level, the above four factors are essential measures.
According to the above study of consuming behavior characteristics of the running participants, This research propose marketing strategy on general consuming behavior, also additionally, the professional running activity participants, women running participants, as well as older participants, are involved in the research on special marketing strategy suggestions respectively.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstact iv
目錄 v
圖次 vii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景和研究目的 1
1.2 研究途徑和研究方法 2
1.3文獻探討 5
1.4 研究設計和研究框架 6
第二章 跑步運動參與者和消費行爲 8
2.1 體育産業和跑步運動概述 8
2.2 跑步運動的市場行銷組合 11
2.3 市場行銷組合與消費行爲 18
2.4 問卷的設計和實施 22
第三章 跑步運動參與者的消費行爲概况 25
3.1 跑步運動參與者的基本情况 25
3.2 跑步運動參與者的産品選擇 33
3.3 跑步運動參與者的價格偏好 39
3.4 跑步運動參與者的地點和通路取向 42
3.6 小結 51
第四章 跑步運動參與者的消費行爲特徵 53
4.1 從産品層面分析跑步運動參與者的消費行爲特徵 53
4.2 從價格層面分析跑步運動參與者的消費行爲特徵 62
4.3 從地點和通路層面分析跑步運動參與者的消費行爲特徵 65
4.4 從促銷層面分析跑步運動參與者的消費行爲特徵 71
4.5 小結 77
第五章 針對跑步運動參與者消費行爲的市場行銷策略建議 80
5.1 針對一般跑步運動參與者消費行爲的市場行銷策略建議 80
5.2 針對進階跑步運動參與者消費行爲的市場行銷策略建議 81
5.3 針對女性跑步運動參與者消費行爲的市場行銷策略建議 82
5.4 針對高齡跑步運動參與者消費行爲的市場行銷策略建議 83
5.5 小結 84
第六章 結論 85
6.1 本文結論 85
6.2 優化和不足 86
參考文獻 88
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