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研究生(外文):Cheng-yen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Consumer Purchase Seafood
指導教授(外文):San-Pui Lam
外文關鍵詞:Sustainable seafoodSeafoodseafood guide
  • 被引用被引用:2
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With regard to appropriate purchase of seafood for eco-friendliness to the marine environment, there has been numerous studies and promotion in foreign countries. The current study attempted to focus on seafood covered by Taiwan Seafood Choice Guide, specifically examining factors that affected Taiwanese consumers’ purchase of seafood. Based on previous research, 12 potential variables were selected. A total of 116 respondents, with habitual purchase or consumption of seafood, were surveyed to test whether these variables affect people’s intention to purchase seafood classified as “Recommended” and “Think twice or Avoid” in Taiwan Seafood Choice Guide.

Results revealed that freshness, price, healthiness, and taste were common considerations in seafood purchase. However, such considerations did not necessarily affected the respondents’ intention to purchase specific “Recommended” or “Think twice or Avoid” seafood. Regression analysis indicated that habit and social norms significantly affected consumers’ intention to purchase these two kinds of seafood. The stronger the habit, the higher the intention to purchase. The more favorable to certain type of seafood was the social norm (which included opinions from family members, and friends’and neighbors’ preferences), the higher was the intention to purchase. In terms of purchasing “Think twice or Avoid” seafood, availability, self-efficacy and perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) were additional influential factors. The more available a type of seafood, the higher was the intention to purchase; confidence and perceived skills in cooking the seafood also had similar effect. The more a consumer believed buying a certain type of seafood could help the marine ecology, the more willing he or she would be to purchase that seafood. This finding about PCE is particularly noteworthy, because the respondents’ knowledge about overfishing is rather limited.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 4
1.3研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1台灣海鮮指南 6
2.2影響消費者選購海鮮的因素 7
2.3影響購買海鮮行為的變項 9
第三章 研究方法 10
3.1影響消費者購買海鮮的行為模式 10
3.2預試問卷設計 11
3.3預試結果 14
3.4正式問卷 15
第四章 研究結果 18
4.1問卷回收與基本資料 18
4.2受訪者吃和購買一般海鮮的習慣與注意條件 19
4.3受訪者對「建議食用」類海鮮的食用習慣、認知與購買意向 22
4.4受訪者對「想清楚或避免食用」類海鮮的食用習慣、認知與購買意向 23
4.5習慣與認知對購買意向的影響 26
4.6受訪者的海鮮生態知識及其影響 27
第五章 討論 29
5.1受訪者吃和購買一般海鮮的習慣與注意條件 29
5.2受訪者對兩類海鮮的食用習慣、認知與購買意向。 29
5.3習慣、認知與知識對購買意向的影響 31
5.4研究建議 32
5.5研究限制 34
參考文獻 35
中研院生物多樣性研究中心(製作單位)(2009)。魚線的盡頭 [DVD]。



世界自然基金會。(n. d.)支持環保海鮮。24/8/2016,引自http://www.wwf.org.hk/whatwedo/oceans/supporting_sustainable_seafood/


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