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研究生(外文):Tai-tzu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Recreational Noise Exposure and Hearing Health among College Students: A Case Study of a University in Kaohsiung City
指導教授(外文):Chiung-ting Chang
外文關鍵詞:Hearing Conservation ProgramHearing HealthRecreational NoisesCollege Students
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According to the statistics of Environment Protection Administration, the numbers of noise complaint cases has increased year by year in Taiwan. For us, the most troubling is living in the noisy environment. Whether in the workplace, non-occupational, or daily life, we may be exposed to noises. As a result of the popularization of science and technology, the utilization of earphones is increasing. Attending the high noisy recreational activities, for example, singing KTV, going to concerts, watching the baseball games, playing in video Arcade, intership or work in noisy plants, etc. would make teenagers exposed to noises, but they would not conscious of the noises and the harm. A characteristic hearing loss which is greater at 4 kHz then at the adjacent frequencies (usually 3 kHz and 6 kHz) is commonly seen in individuals with noise induced hearing loss, and spread to speech frequency(0.5 - 2kHz) after. In that case, it would be more difficult to chat with others or hear clearly in the daily life. Otherwise, high-frequency noises hardly can’t find and hear. There is a definite possibility that if you expose to high-frequency sounds for a long time, it might have a permanent effect but you don’t still find it, because that aren’t necessarily painful.
The purpose of the study was to understand the present situation of college students’ recreational noise exposure and hearing health, and to investigate their relationships. The subjects of the study were 500 college students of a university in Kaohsiung city. A questionnaire was designed to investigate the recreational noise exposure and self-reported hearing health in last year. Results showed that the favor noise recreational activity was using earphones, and there is more than 80% of the samples had the habit of using earphones (81.8%). There are 62.4% of users used more than 3 times in one week, and 18.4% of them keep 4 hours duration at least even more every time over the past year. In the part of the hearing health, there are 9.2% students feel their hearing health is not health than before and even 38.8% students often feel their ears are not comfortable. These situations could be the symptoms of hearing loss.
However, there are more than 80% students didn’t attend the hearing conservation program and only 28.8% college students had gotten the hearing conservation courses or information. Hence, we suggested the government and universities should put emphasis on the students’ hearing health and spare no efforts on providing knowledge of hearing protection in the health or recreation courses, holding educational hearing protection activities regularly, and strengthening school advocacy to improve students’ hearing health.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究問題 3
1.5 研究流程 3
1.6 研究預期效益 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 噪音的定義及影響 5
2.2 噪音型聽力損失 6
2.3 娛樂性噪音 7
2.4 噪音傷害的特性 9
2.5 健康信念模式 10
2.6 聽力保健教育計劃 13
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1 研究架構與研究假設 15
3.2 問卷調查 17
3.2.1 研究對象選擇與進行步驟 17
3.2.2 樣本與抽樣方式 17
3.2.3 問卷發放與受試者填答方式 17
3.2.4 問卷內容 19
3.3 分析方法 23
3.3.1 描述性統計分析 23
3.3.2 信度分析 23
3.3.3 因素分析 23
3.3.4 相關分析 24
3.4 自覺聽力健康量表編制 24
3.4.1 量表之信度分析 24
3.4.2 量表之效度分析 26
第四章 研究結果 29
4.1 問卷回收情形及初步分析 29
4.1.1 兩次問卷樣本結構 29
4.1.2 娛樂性噪音暴露分布概況 32
4.1.3 趨避行為及聽力保健接觸之經驗探討 39
4.1.4 初步相關分析 43
4.1.5 小結 51
4.2 合併樣本結構 51
4.3 敘述統計 55
4.3.1 娛樂性噪音暴露概況分析 55
4.3.2 聽力保護相關接觸經驗 64
4.3.3 自覺聽力健康概況分析 67
4.4 相關分析 69
4.4.1 健康信念與聽力保健知識接觸經驗之相關性 69
4.4.2 健康信念與高噪音娛樂活動參與率之相關性 71
4.4.3 趨避行為與自覺聽力健康之相關性 73
4.4.4 高噪音娛樂活動參與率與自覺聽力健康之相關性 75
4.5 研究結果之結論 77
第五章 討論 80
5.1 研究假設成立與否及原因 80
5.2 研究結果與應用於實務上之建議 83
5.3 研究限制與後續研究建議 85

參考文獻 86
一、中文部分 86
二、英文部分 89
三、網路資料 92
附錄一 紙本問卷 93
附錄二 線上問卷 97
附錄三 歷年公害陳情案件數量表(2011年 - 2017年3月) 112
附錄四 兩次問卷統計量 113
附錄4.1 相關分析表S2 113
附錄4.1.1 健康信念與聽力保健知識接觸之相關分析N1 113
附錄4.1.2 健康信念與聽力保健知識接觸之相關分析N2 115
附錄4.1.3 健康信念與娛樂活動參與次數之相關分析N1 117
附錄4.1.4 健康信念與娛樂活動參與次數之相關分析N2 121
附錄4.1.5 趨避行為與自覺聽力健康狀況之相關分析N1 125
附錄4.1.6 趨避行為與自覺聽力健康狀況之相關分析N2 128
附錄4.1.7 娛樂活動參與與自覺聽力健康之相關分析N1 131
附錄4.1.8 娛樂活動參與與自覺聽力健康之相關分析N2 136
附錄五 合併問卷統計量 141
附錄5.1 相關分析表 141
附錄5.1.1 健康信念與聽力保健知識接觸之相關分析 141
附錄5.1.2 健康信念與娛樂活動參與次數之相關分析 143
附錄5.1.3 趨避行為與自覺聽力健康狀況之相關分析 147
附錄5.1.4 娛樂活動參與與自覺聽力健康之相關分析 150
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