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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Joint Source-Channel Optimization over Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems
指導教授(外文):Fan-Shuo Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Full-duplex relayselective relayamplify-and-forwardprogressive layered transmissionjoint source and channel coding
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Cooperative communication is developed to effectively extend the cell coverage and improve the link reliability in a wireless communication system. To achieve the spatial diversity, the multiples relays can be deployed in a distributed manner. The relay selection schemes can be adopted to further reduce the number of transmission phase. However, owing to the hardware limitation, the conventional relays use half-duplex (HD) to help the source convey its data signal in either amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) protocols. In HD relay systems, transmission of each data signal needs two phases for relays listening and transmitting, respectively. To improve the transmission efficient, the full-duplex relays are developed to simultaneously receive and transmit the source signal to the destination. Nevertheless, the self-interference (SI) is unavoidable at the relay even if the analog or digital cancellation techniques are utilized. Inevitably, the SI affects the system implementation and degrades the performance. To provide higher quality of received signals, the successive layered source transmission is invented to encode the multimedia signals into multiple layers and the performance can be improved by successively receiving more signals of advanced layers, remedying the influence due to poor end-to-end channel links. In this thesis, we study the progressive layered transmission in selective FD relaying systems. Considering the statistics of the channel quality and the influence of SI, we minimize the MSE of the reconstructed multimedia signals by jointly selecting a proper relay and optimizing the rate and power for different encoded layers. Since the optimization is intractable, we propose a closed-form expression to approach the MSE performance the high SNR region. With the proposed approximation, we can sophisticatedly search a suboptimal solution. By the computer simulation, the proposed design in selective FD relay systems can outperform the existing HD relay systems.
第2 章 階層式來源訊號傳輸型式…………………………………....8
第2.1節 傳送模式描述…………………………………...………..……8
第2.2節 校能分析……………………………………………..……….9
第3章 全雙工中繼系統………………………………….…………………12
第3.1節 系統模型………………………………………...………..…12
第3.2節 接收信號模型……………………………………………..….13
第3.3節 中斷機率……………………………………………...…….…15
第4章 結合來源編碼通道效應最佳化…………………………………16
第4.1節 累進式來源編碼傳輸………………………………………….16
第4.2節 最佳化問題描述………………………………………………17
第4.3節 最佳解計算…………………………………………………….18
第5章 系統模擬及探討……………………………………………………………25
第6章 結論與未來展望……………………………………………………………31
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