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研究生(外文):Rezki El Arif
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Miniaturized Multi-Band Bandpass Filter with Tunable Transmission Zeros
指導教授:洪子聖洪子聖引用關係Sholeh Hadi Pramono
指導教授(外文):Tzyy-Sheng HorngSholeh Hadi Pramono
外文關鍵詞:Multi bandTransmission ZerosBandpass filteMulti Layer
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階阻抗諧振器( SSIR) , 此多層諧振器結構有助於減小濾波器尺
法。 本論文所設計第一個帶通濾波器操作中心頻率為 3.5 GHz,
頻寬為 7.2%,整體尺寸不考慮饋入線為 4.2 mm  5.2 mm, 並藉
面間的環形槽。 第三個帶通濾波器設計為三頻帶通濾波器,此設
計利用微型化 SSIR,使用了三層金屬,基板為 RT/Duroid 6010,
厚度為 0.568 mm, 介電常數為 10.2, 濾波器尺寸為 2.8 mm  2.5
mm。第四種設計為利用 SSIR 結構的四頻帶通濾波器,此設計可
以透過適當地調整兩耦合 SSIR 在第一層及第二層的間隙寬度來
This thesis presents a stacked stepped impedance resonator (SSIR) structure for
designing compact multi-band bandpass filters (BPFs). The multilayer resonator structure is
used to reduce the filter size. Moreover, based on the theory of coupled resonators, the desired
characteristics of its multiple passbands can be obtained by determining the coupling
coefficients and external quality factors. Furthermore, a novel technique has been developed
to create controllable transmission zeros (TZs) in the stopbands. This thesis includes four
bandpass filter designs with specific requirements. The first BPF design was designed with the
center frequency of 3.5 GHz and the FBW of 7.2%. The TZ can be created and adjusted using
either magnetic or electric coupling. The overall size of this filter is 4.2 mm 5.2 mm without
the feeding lines. The second design proposed a new approach to tune the TZs. By using
through vias with the isolation ring slots on the ground plane, the TZs can be controlled
effectively. The third design is about the tri-band BPF using stacked stepped impedance
resonators (SSIRs). It was designed on a 0.568 mm thick three-layer RT/Duroid 6010 substrate
with dielectric constant of 10.2. It occupies an area of 2.8 mm 2.5 mm. The fourth design
uses the SSIR structure to design a compact quad-band BPF. The first and third passbands and
the second and fourth passbands can be separately adjusted by changing the width of the gaps
between two coupled SSIRs in the second and first layer, respectively
Table of Contents
Abstract (Chinese) ....................................................................................................................iii
Abstract (English) .....................................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................v
List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures.........................................................................................................................viii
List of Symbols.........................................................................................................................xi
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation............................................................................................................................2
1.3 Structure of Contribution of Thesis .....................................................................................3
Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................5
Coupled Multilayer Resonators .................................................................................................5
2.1 Microstrip Lines...................................................................................................................5
2.2 Effective Dielectric Constant and Characteristic Impedance ..............................................6
2.3 Coupled Resonator Circuits .................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Synchronously Tuned Coupled-Resonator Circuits..........................................................8
2.3.2 Mixed Coupling ..............................................................................................................13
2.4 General Formula for Extracting Coupling Coefficient k ...................................................16
2.5 General Formula for Extracting Quality Factor Qe ...........................................................17
2.6 Multilayer BPFs .................................................................................................................18
Chapter 3..................................................................................................................................20
Design of Miniaturized BPFs...................................................................................................20
3.1 Experimental Set-up...........................................................................................................20
3.2 Design of One-Band BPF Using FR-4 Substrate...............................................................21
3.2.1 Design Procedure............................................................................................................21
3.2.2 Result and Approach for Tunable TZs............................................................................23
3.3 Miniaturized BPF Using Additional Ring Slot..................................................................26
3.3.1Filter Design Procedure ...................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Result and Analysis.........................................................................................................29
3.4 Design of Tri-band BPF.....................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Design Procedure............................................................................................................31
3.4.3. Analysis and results of a Tri-band BPF ........................................................................34
3.5 Design of Quadband BPF ..................................................................................................40
3.5.1 Design Procedure............................................................................................................41
3.5.3 Result and Analysis.........................................................................................................44
Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................50
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................50
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