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研究生(外文):Ferdinand Rasali
論文名稱(外文):ASEAN and Cross-strait Relations: Dilemmatic Disposition
指導教授(外文):Lin Teh-chang
外文關鍵詞:ChinaASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation)TaiwanRelative Gains TheoryCross-straits RelationsBilateralism
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本研究著重於東盟(東南亞國家聯盟)國家、與東盟國家外交關係以及國際關係發展趨勢深為複雜的國家之一;中華人民共和國(中國)和中華民國(台灣),即兩岸關係。東盟國家與中國和台灣都在各方面維持著長期的合作關係,這兩個國家當中哪一個能做出最大貢獻將會從這些東盟國家取得更深的忠誠。相對收益理論從現實主義的角度將成為本研究的主要觀點,探討國家之間的權力鬥爭和影響力來界定國際關係的結。本研究也從台灣的角度分析兩岸關係,因為台灣是具有刺激性角色,而中國是反應的角色。本研究的第一部分包含兩岸關係的簡史,以及東盟國家與兩岸關係的影響,展示了東盟與中國和東盟與台灣的動態性關係。下一部分,通過比較和強調介紹了經濟與投資領域的關係,對東盟各國與中國的雙方關係以及與台灣的雙方關係進行了回顧,主要是在歷史、社會和政治方面 。最後部分本研究總結東盟國家的傾向,以東盟各國與中國和台灣的關係的異同,從而提出了這些國家為應對兩岸關係而採取的立場。
This study focused on ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation) countries and their relationship as well as tendency towards one of the most complicated relationship; People’s Republic of China (China) and Republic of China (Taiwan), or as we call it the cross-strait relations. While ASEAN countries maintain their relationship with both China and Taiwan, the biggest contributor between the two countries will earn more allegiance from these ASEAN countries. The perspective of relative gains theory from realism would dominate the point of view of this study, which directed on the struggle of power and influence between nations to define international structure. This study would also take the Taiwan point of view in seeing the cross-strait relations, since Taiwan is the subject who stimulates the fluctuation of cross-strait relations, while China is the responsive counterpart. First part of the study included the brief history of cross-straits relations, followed by the relationship of ASEAN countries as an association with cross-straits relations, showing the dynamics between ASEAN with China and ASEAN with Taiwan. The next part of the study reviewed the bilateral relationship between each ASEAN countries with China and with Taiwan by displaying a comparison and highlights of the relationship, mostly in economic and investment sector in addition to historical, social, and political significance. The final part of the study summed up the discussion by reaffirming the tendency of the ASEAN countries, considering similarities and differences of each ASEAN countries’ relationship with China and with Taiwan, thus proposing the motive behind the positions that these countries have taken in response to the cross-straits relations.
摘要 iii
A. Background of the study 1
B. Thesis statement 3
A. Analytical Framework 5
B. Methodology 11
A. Cross-straits relation 14
A.1. External factors 16
A.1.a. The United States of America (USA) 16
A.1.b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 18
A.2. Internal factors 22
A.2.a. Taiwanese identity and sovereignty issues 22
A.2.b. Taiwan internal politics 26
B. ASEAN and China 29
C. ASEAN and Taiwan 32
A. Overview 38
B. Case Review 41
B.1. ASEAN More Developed Countries 41
B.1.a. Case Review: Brunei 43
B.1.b. Case Review: Indonesia 44
B.1.c. Case Review: Malaysia 49
B.1.d. Case Review: Singapore 52
B.1.e. Case Review: Thailand 54
B.1.f. Case Review: The Philippines 57
B.1.g. Case Review: Vietnam 58
B.2. ASEAN Least Developed Countries 60
B.2.a. Case Review: Cambodia 61
B.2.b. Case Review: Laos 63
B.2.c. Case Review: Myanmar (Burma) 65
A. Concluding Thoughts 69
B. Recommendations 74
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