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研究生(外文):Ruslan Volkov
論文名稱(外文):Conversion of the military-industrial complex in the system of state policy of the modern Russia and its political-economic impact
指導教授(外文):Lin Teh-chang
外文關鍵詞:arms salerussiaconversionmilitary-industrial complexpolitical-economy
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論文的目的是研究軍事工業綜合體轉變為俄羅斯國家政策的政治和社會經濟問題,這是自20世紀90年代初以來的轉型。 目前,考慮軍事工業綜合體改革的政治方面,對俄羅斯國防能力和國家安全的影響,對複合體科學,技術和生產技術潛力的可能性 使國家經濟現代化。
The aim of the thesis is to study the political and socio-economic problems of the conversion of the military-industrial complex into the state policy of Russia, its transformation since the early 1990s. To the present, the consideration of the political aspects of the reform of the military-industrial complex, its impact on the defense capability and national security of Russia, on the possibility of using the scientific, technical and production-technological potential of the complex in modernizing the country''s economy.
Thesis verification letter i
摘要 iii
Abstract in English iv
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. The experience of reforming military-industrial complexes of foreign countries 32
1.1. The US experience in reforming the military-industrial complex. 32
1.2. Formation of the military-industrial complex of the European Union and its features. 40
1.3 China''s experience in reforming the military-industrial complex. 46
Chapter 2. Conversion of the MIC in the contemporary Russia. 65
2.1. The first stage of the MIC conversion 67
2.2. The second stage of the MIC conversion 110
Conclusion 128
References 149
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