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論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Home-Based Exercise on Functional Fitness,Physical Activity and Quality of Life in the Frail Elderly People
外文關鍵詞:the frail elderlyfunctional fitnessphysical activityquality of life
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背景:臺灣65歲 (含)以上人口佔12.22%,臺北市更佔了13.5%,高齡化對健康、醫療、照護、經濟、社會發展已造成全面性的衝擊與影響。虛弱老人所傾向的靜態生活型態會使體能降低,進而影響身體活動量,導致日常活動自主執行能力(ADL、IADL)受到影響,此不但影響老年人的生活品質,也相對提高罹患慢性疾病與功能障礙的風險。目的:探討居家運動介入對虛弱老人功能性體能、身體活動量及生活品質之影響。方法:採類實驗重複測量之研究設計,以立意取樣選擇居住臺北市50位年滿65歲符合虛弱問卷之老人為收案對象,分為實驗組(n=25)及控制組(n=25),實驗組以運動單張內容進行8週的居家運動介入,控制組則無介入。二組實驗前後皆進行功能性體能、身體活動量及生活品質等項目。功能性體能的檢測包含上/下肢肌力、靜態平衡及敏捷性。身體活動量是以老人身體活動量表 (Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PASE) 檢測。生活品質以生活品質量表 (The MOS 12-item Short-Form Health Survey,SF-12) 進行檢測。所得資料以IBM SPSS for Window 20.0電腦套裝軟體進行處理,並以卡方、費雪精確性、曼惠特尼-U及廣義估計方程式 ( Generalized estimating equation, GEE ) 等檢定來進行分析,顯著差異為p<.05。結果與討論:經卡方檢定、費雪精確性及曼惠特尼-U檢定分析二組前測資料具同質性。以廣義估計方程式檢定分析居家運動介入成效,可發現實驗組功能性體能 (下肢肌力、靜態平衡及敏捷性)達顯著改善(p<.05),控制組則無差異。在身體活動量方面,實驗組身體活動量的得分有顯著提升(p<.05),控制組則無差異。而在生活品質方面,實驗組於居家運動介入後亦達顯著改善(p<.05),且心理面向分數高於生理面向,控制組則無顯著差異。結論:以運動單張來進行居家運動訓練能有效提升虛弱老人的功能性體能,並可提升虛弱老人的身體活動量,連結生活品質的提升,建議社區照護人員可將居家運動訓練列為居家照護的重要項目。
Background: In Taiwan, the population aged over 65 accounted for 12.22%, accounted for 13.5% of Taipei. Aging on health, medical, care, economic and social development has resulted in a comprehensive impact and influence. The elderly body function decline, so that a limited amount of physical activity reduce their functional fitness and the daily activities of independent execution capabilities (ADL, IADL), not only affect the quality of life of the elderly relative increase in the risk of chronic disease and dysfunction. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of home-based exercise on functional fitness, physical activity and quality of life in the frail elderly. Method: The quasi-experimental design with pre and post tests was applied, and the purposive sampling was being used to select elderly who resided in Taipei City, aged 65 or above and met the criteria of Frailty Questionnaire as the subjects, who were divided into the experimental group (n=25) and the control group (n=25).The experimental group accepted 8 weeks of home-based exercise, and the control group accepted no intervention. Tests such as functional fitness, physical activity and quality of life were performed on both groups before and after the intervention. The functional fitness tests consisted of upper / lower body muscular strength, static balance and agility balance. The physical activity was measured using the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). The MOS 12-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) was used to measure the quality of life. All data obtained were processed by IBM SPSS for Window 20.0 software suite and analyzed with Chi-square test, Fisher’s Exact Test, Mann-Whitney U test and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE). The significant difference value was p<.05. Results and Discussion: Analysis done with Chi-square test, Fisher’s Exact Test and Mann-Whitney U test showed that the pre tests of both groups had homogeneity. This study used Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) for analysis and found that after the home-based exercise intervention was introduced, the lower body muscular strength, static balance and agility balance of the experimental group showed significant improvement (p<.05), whereas that of the control group showed no significant difference. As for the physical activity, the experimental group reached significant improvement (p<.05) after the home-based intervention was introduced, for which the control group showed no significant difference. Lastly, in term of the quality of life, the experimental group showed significant improvement (p<.05) after the home-based intervention was introduced, with the psychological scores being higher than the physiological ones, and the quality of life of the control group again showed no significant difference. Conclusion: The home-based exercise can effectively improve the functional fitness of the frail elderly and thereby increase their physical activities and improve their quality of life. The study suggests that the home-based exercise training as an important item for home care.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究假設
第四節 名詞操作性定義
第五節 研究範圍與限制
第六節 研究之重要性
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 老化與虛弱老人相關研究
第二節 虛弱老人之功能性體能相關研究
第三節 虛弱老人的身體活動相關研究
第四節 虛弱老人生活品質相關研究
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究設計
第二節 研究對象
第三節 研究架構
第四節 研究流程
第五節 研究工具
第六節 研究倫理
第七節 資料處理
第四章 研究結果
第一節 參與者基本資料及前測變項描述性分析
第二節 居家運動介入對功能性體能之影響
第三節 居家運動介入對身體活動量之影響
第四節 居家運動介入對生活品質之影響
第五章 討論
第一節 居家運動對提升功能性體能效益
第二節 居家運動對提升身體活動量效益
第三節 居家運動對提升生活品質效益
第六章 結論
第一節 研究結果與貢獻
第二節 研究限制與建議
附錄一 日本東京都老人綜合研究院(2006)「健診21問卷」
附錄二 老人身體活動量表(PASE)
附錄三 老人身體活動量表(PASE)計分及加權指數對照表
附錄四 SF-12生活品質問卷
附錄五 身體活動量表使用授權書
附錄六 SF-12使用授權書
附錄七 人體試驗委員會審查計畫執行許可書
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1. 方怡堯、何信弘、張少熙 (2014)。在地老化運動促進策略之探討:以芬蘭高齡者運動促進方案為例。中華體育季刊,28 (2),137-144。
2. 田玉笛、王秀華、錢桂玉 (2015)。以社區應用為導向之中老年人行動能力評估。中華體育季刊,29 (1),29-36。
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