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研究生(外文):Lu, Kuan-Liang
論文名稱:年輕男女駕駛在不同情境知覺等級輔助下之 車道變換績效與工作負荷
論文名稱(外文):Lane change performance and workload under the assistance of different situation awareness levels among young male and female drivers
指導教授(外文):Lu, Jun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chien-ChiOu, Yang-Kun
外文關鍵詞:lane change assistdriving assistancesituation awarenesswarning level
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隨著家用汽車的普及,全臺灣持有駕照的人數逐年增加,比例已達50%以上,然而,因駕駛觀念不佳或行駛技術不成熟而導致之交通事故仍所在多有,其中尤以「變換車道或方向不當」為造成死亡事故的最主要原因。為解決此問題,近年來先駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance System, ADAS)廣為發展,其中車道變換輔助系統(Lane Change Assist)與盲點偵測系統(Blind Spot Detection System)等技術已趨純熟,國際標準組織(ISO)亦針對車道變換輔助系統訂定相關標準,然而在提示的形式上尚無公認的規範。目前市面上各種車道變換輔助系統間警示方式各異,儘管欲傳達的訊息(提醒駕駛車側狀況)是一樣的,卻可能造成不同的解讀或是轉換適應上的困難。因此,本研究根據Endsley所提出之情境知覺模型(Situation Awareness Model)探討警示呈現形式對於駕駛績效與工作負荷的影響,以找出較為理想之設計。
本研究招募屬於高肇事傾向年齡層(20~26歲)、且具有兩年以上駕駛經驗(包含行駛於高速公路)之男性與女性各10位,並應用駕駛憤怒量表(Driving Anger Scale)初步將可能過於保守或冒險之駕駛者排除,透過駕駛模擬器執行於高速道路上的駕駛任務。研究參與者必須在四種不同情境知覺等級(無提示、感知、理解、或預測)的警示輔助下變換車道,藉由客觀參數(方向盤轉動率、反應時間、完成時間等)與主觀工作負荷(NASA-TLX)比較其間的差異,以找出最有助於駕駛安全的警示設計;另外也將觀察男、女性在不同等級的提示下的績效表現,探討是否存在各自適用的警示設計。
With the rising popularity of private automobiles, the number of driver's license holders in Taiwan increases year by year. It has now reached more than 50% of the population in Taiwan. However, traffic accidents due to poor driving awareness or skills are still quite common, in which "improper lane changing" is the main cause of fatal accidents on the highway. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) was hence developed to solve this problem, among which the Lane Change Assist (LCA) and the Blind Spot Detection System (BSDS) had become mature and been used widely. In the meantime, relevant standards for the LCA are developed by ISO. Nevertheless, so far there is no agreement on the design of warning signals used in LCA. Currently, a variety of warnings of LCA may lead to misunderstanding of the representations or conflicts with prior knowledge, even though the information to be conveyed is exactly the same. Thus, this study aims to investigate the effect of situation awareness level of warnings in LCA on driving performance and workload, so as to enhance safety through designs that help drivers receive the information more effectively and accurately.
Ten males and ten females who belong to the high-risk groups of traffic accidents (20-26 years old) with more than two years of driving experience were recruited (including driving on the highway). Besides, those who are too conservative or too risky were excluded by using the Driving Anger Scale. A driving simulator was used to perform driving tasks on a highway. Participants had to change lanes with the use of LCA presented in four situation awareness levels (no warning, perception, comprehension, or projection). The differences in objective parameters (steering wheel rate, success rate of task execution, and reaction time) and perceived workload (NASA-TLX) were analyzed, in order to identify the design that is most helpful for driving safety. The interaction between driver’s gender and warning level were also investigated to see whether the recommended warning levels are different between the two groups.
The results showed that the warning system provides the greatest help when the neighboring vehicle appears in the blind spot area. Besides, drivers had the last reaction time and completion time under the LCA warning of the third level (projection). LCA of both the second (comprehension) and third levels yielded significantly better performance than the first level (perception) and the case without LCA. However, the difference between the second and third levels is not significant. According to the subjective responses, males preferred the second level, while females preferred the third level. Therefore, it is recommended to provide LCA with multiple levels of situation awareness, so as to enable the driver to choose the preferred one. Overall, the findings of this study have the potential to benefit developers of LCA by facilitating the designs that better meet the needs of drivers and help reduce traffic accidents.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
一、緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究範圍及目的 4
1.3. 研究架構 5
二、文獻回顧 8
2.1. 情境知覺與車道變換 8
2.1.1汽車駕駛的情境知覺 8
2.1.3車道變換輔助系統 13
2.2.1駕駛年齡 17
2.2.2駕駛性別 19
2.2.3 與駕駛者有關之其他因素 20
2.3. 實驗情境與設備 21
2.3.1 駕駛模擬器 21
2.3.2 駕駛行為資訊蒐集 23
2.3.3心智負荷 25
2.4. 小結 26
三、研究方法 27
3.1.實驗設計 27
3.1.1實驗設備與環境 27
3.1.2 實驗內容與情境 28
3.1.3研究參與者 31
3.2.實驗因子設定 31
3.2.1自變數(independent variables) 31
3.2.2依變數(dependent variables) 33
3.2.3控制變數(controlled variable) 35
3.3實驗流程 36
3.4資料分析 37
四、研究結果 38
4.1駕駛行為與績效 40
4.1.1完成時間 40
4.1.2反應時間 42
4.1.3方向盤轉動率 44
4.2車道變換安全性(接近碰撞與碰撞次數) 46
4.3主觀工作負荷 46
4.4三因子變異數分析 48
4.4.1提示等級效應 49
4.4.2性別效應 50
4.4.3旁車行為效應 50
4.4.4交互作用 51
五、討論 55
5.1提示等級效應 55
5.2性別效應 57
5.3主觀感受 59
六、結論與建議 61
6.1結論與研究實際應用 61
6.2研究限制 61
6.3未來研究 62
參考文獻 63
附錄一:NASA-TLX中文版問卷 68
附錄二:研究倫理審查核可證明 70
附錄三:變異數分析表 72
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