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研究生(外文):Liang, Yu-Pei
論文名稱(外文):Android system migration and System Drivers development on the RSX Embedded system
指導教授(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yuan-HaoWei, Hsin-WenChen, Chaur-Chin
外文關鍵詞:AndroidLinux driverSystem integrationEmbedded system
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Embedded systems are everywhere in our lives. Display and touch module always play the important role in many applications of embedded devices. With the development in flexible electronics technology, embedded platform has broken the previous non-bendable concept. To respond to the development of new ``soft" platform device, the flexible display technology has gradually entered the popular stage of development. Many international companies are studying these emerging technology and applications recently, such as South Korea's Samsung, LG, Japan's Sony and Taiwan's ITRI.
There are many studies on this emerging application project, but they focus on the theoretical basis of some research is to further study the user interaction method design or the new type of application system design. However, a new type of application how to integrate development environment is very few paper mentioned. This thesis specifically focuses on the procedure to migrate the system for emerging application, and the successfully migrate Android system to RSX platform. In additional we also develop some kernel driver to RSX platform for integrating more applications. Hoping to through this thesis makes it easier for future to make the development environment and carry out more relevant research to make the new type of embedded system application more rapid
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Description 2
1.3 Main Contribution 2
1.4 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 System Background 3
2.1 System Architecture 3
2.2 Android Architecture 4
2.3 Linux Driver Develop Procedure 7
2.4 Motivation 10
Chapter 3 Migrating Android to RSX platform 11
3.1 RSX Hardware Introduction 11
3.2 Establishing a Build Environment 15
3.3 Build Android4.4 Kernel 16
3.4 Customize Android Firmware 18
Chapter 4 System Drivers development on RSX platform 19
4.1 Developing Procedure 19
4.2 Testing The Driver 21
Chapter 5 Conclusion 22
References 23
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